I am not questioning that...so did I at one point in my life.
Let me try again.
"Belief is the psychological state in which an individual holds a conjecture or premise to be true."
Belief - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When you were a child and someone told you that the tooth fairy comes and takes your teeth and leaves money under your pillow, you would believe them given your current knowledge and psychological development. The mind of the child simply accepted the truth of it, there was no actual choice involved.
If you were told that 2+2 = 5, would you believe it? Could you convince yourself to believe it was true?
Again no choice is being made, your mind is simply rejecting the truth of the statement based on knowledge of math and counting principles. Now lets say this person provided some convincing proof that 2+2=5, if the new knowledge provided was reasonable enough to your mind then your belief about the truth value would change but no choice is being made.
So again when I said that "belief is not a choice" I am talking about theism in general. For almost all religions are premised on the belief in a supernatural deity. If your mind holds the belief or truth value of "God" then you are susceptible to believing other more specific things about "God". The choice of choosing Jesus is a direct result of your mind first believing the truth of the bible and then acting based on that knowledge.
I hope that makes my position more clear and you see I am not challenging your free-will at all.
It is important for people to realize that our choices are a direct result of our beliefs, and our beliefs are based on our knowledge of reality and how we perceive that knowledge.