Terribly sorry you had that bad experience with the dentist....I too at 6 years old had a bad experience dentist numbed area to remove baby teeth and then waited too long and pulled them as the numbing agent had worn off.... I was screaming but because I was a kid they thought just a normal kid reaction, but NO I was in pain feeling every bit of the pulling...
Not all dentists are bad there are good ones out there maybe go for a Good recommendation for a dentist in your area and stick with him.... Again sorry you are in pain....
Not all dentists are bad there are good ones out there maybe go for a Good recommendation for a dentist in your area and stick with him.... Again sorry you are in pain....
It was one that came on pretty quickly and quite intensively followed by pulsating waves of pain that would go from a scale of (where 0 is no pain and 10 is almost unbearable) 4 to 10 down to about a 4/5 back up to a 9/10 over and over was driving me potty!
I had to share it because it was probably the kick I needed to get it sorted before it got worse. As said it came out a while back but there was no pain or problem only recently. When it comes to the dentist its something I bury my head in the sand until the last minute because of my past experiences at the butchers, ahem, the dentists I mean.
Sorry to hear about your experiences that sounds horrible but glad you lived to tell the story!
I agree there are some good dentists out there, getting referred by my doc for one.