I see. A science denier. I can see where this discussion is going. I suppose you believe Donald Trump is the greatest president God ever created, too.
No, I don't think Trump is the greatest POTUS, nor do I believe he is the answer to America which very well may not make it to 2024 without The "Church" is the Church Christ meant it to be.
Billions of $$$$$$$$ with a "B" have already been spent, and many changes have happened to control admissions is the air. CA is a leader in this YET! These hypocrites caused more harm to the environment than a gas car ever did. CA has many windmill for power up and down the state: The CA Condor is a protected bird , those of science don't even bat an eye of the killing of birds they have done by the thousands

Trash and waste in CA caused by lawlessness created by CA policies that allow people to live like this on the streets and still hold on to thier addiction and be paid and let go when they do crimes. The enviromental impact are devistating NO science concern there Hypocritces.

Needles everywhere Flesh eating disease.
The sin and evil of those who seek to sexualize children with transgenderism

And supprted by those who cry about "Climate CHANGE" ?
Anyone who think there is more than two genders and supports the gay agenda doesn't hold to sound science. Nor are they loving gays.
over 70 percent of transgender commit suicide because they have no peace and suffering from an idneity crisses that is supported by familes and public schools and many churches. They will answer to God for that. For causing children to stumble.
Sound sience ? lol children suffering in public schools in record number with anxitiy and depression they don't know what to do to help them This "Sound science " . Both sides of the America Politics Democrats & GOP are of the devil. anyone with discwernment can see that. Jesus is the only answer and if we do not surrender to Him we will lose this nation. Blessed in the ntion whose God is the lord but sin is a reproach to any people. Gods people must cry out and in this time of great falling away ther eis also great returns of the Prodical. To God be the Glory.
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