If this occurs, it is because people have abused others in the name of belief. If you misuse a tool to harm those around you, we will take it away from you. This is one of the great things about living in a civilized society.
I don't mind terribly much when random preachers call what I do immoral. I do mind, however, when they stir up their congregations and spend millions of dollars trying to make it illegal. I mind when hate-speech incites people to violence against minorities. That's the sort of thing I would like to curtail. That's hardly unreasonable.
If you don't want that sort of thing to occur, perhaps you should, as a group, try to speak up a little more loudly than those among you who want us dead. If you continue to let them represent you and make laws on your behalf, don't act surprised when we take away their ability to continue interfering in our lives.
In other words, if you don't want to be treated like bigoted, law-mongering zealots whose idea of sharing the gospel is playing marriage-keep-away from the gays, make sure you're louder than those folks.
I don't mind terribly much when random preachers call what I do immoral. I do mind, however, when they stir up their congregations and spend millions of dollars trying to make it illegal. I mind when hate-speech incites people to violence against minorities. That's the sort of thing I would like to curtail. That's hardly unreasonable.
If you don't want that sort of thing to occur, perhaps you should, as a group, try to speak up a little more loudly than those among you who want us dead. If you continue to let them represent you and make laws on your behalf, don't act surprised when we take away their ability to continue interfering in our lives.
In other words, if you don't want to be treated like bigoted, law-mongering zealots whose idea of sharing the gospel is playing marriage-keep-away from the gays, make sure you're louder than those folks.
You know, I can't personally control what some people say or what laws they want to pass. That'd be like controlling the NRA. I'm not overtly political. And I'm NOT "louder than those folks." I am who I am, and that's a person who will never back down from what I believe. But not on a large scale, screaming it in the streets or in front of law makers.
I don't personally believe in withholding rights from gays. I wish that both sides would back down just a little here: One one side, give people who want to commit their lives to another of the same sex the same rights (end of life, financial filings, etc). On the other side, call it a union or something and allow laws to be enacted protecting ministers who feel it would violate their beliefs to perform a same-sex ceremony.
I believe homosexuality is not God's plan for people, but in America we don't have anti-fornication laws, anti-adultery laws, etc... And I don't see why this one is so big for so many people. It feels sometimes like a kid who's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and says in response, "Well, Janie broke your lamp!"
To the nonChristians posting in this thread: I hope that you can see that, if you take away the rights of another group in retribution, you're doing just what you hate, only justifying it by saying "Well, they started it!" And really, is that any better?