Morning PrynceNY,
I keep saying it, those like PlainWord who think that the tribulation/great tribulation has been completed have no understanding of the severity and magnitude of God's coming wrath. What they also don't understand, is that time of great tribulation continues right up until the Lord returns to the earth to end the age. It is not until after the 7th bowl has been poured out that the Lord returns and the 1st seal hasn't even been opened.
The destruction of the temple in 70 AD pales greatly in reference to that time of great tribulation such as the world has not seen from the beginning of creation, until now and never to be equaled again. And except those days were shortened no one would be left alive. It doesn't even come close!
That time of great tribulation will be fulfilled via the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments. With just the 4th seal and the 6th trumpet, about 50% of the earths population will have been killed and that within the first 3 1/2 years. No, they have no idea of the chaos and destruction that is coming and that upon the entire earth.
This has been mainly what's confusing and scaring me. There are so many different opinions over this, like how you said the tribulation will be fulfilled with the trumpets and bowls. But I've heard someone say before mankind will persecute believers for 7 years, Jesus returns, then everyone left stays in earth for Gods wrath. So now I don't know anything anymore!