There are heaps of messages out there today - especially readily available and fighting for our attention. Maybe you feel this way because of something or someone that has actually spoken it over you? And maybe you don't believe it but you hear it so much that you have to justify it ( find understanding for the way you feel or see yourself ) hope that made sense lol! Its like when in my past people used to say I was fat - I knew I wasn't but heaps of people kept saying it that eventually in my heart accepted it and started seeing myself that way. Same with suicide. Never really wanted to kill myself but this thought came along and I entertained it so much it got me into trouble. I pursued groups (like emo, rock etc) to make me feel like I belonged
- so I defined and identified myself with 'emo/depressed'
I had a friend who confided in me one day that he thought he was gay. He actually didn't want to be that but he somehow believed he was because he compared himself to expectations that weren't truth and believed a lie. I even went through that thinking I was Gay because I wasn't interested in Guys like my friends were - it didn't seem normal so I wanted to belong to a label that would make it normal.
It robs you of your true identity and even though it sounds good - its not going to give you acceptance and belonging that we all desire...
I pray that you will find the root of it all - don't let your identity be stolen
I hope I made some sort of sense lol!