Ok, so I get it, video games such as Modern Warfare and Call of Duty are extremely popular, but they are not of God, and I can bodly say with confidence that God does not approve of these games!
CoD is for noobs! I wouldn't be caught dead playing that game./Sarcasm
What part of THOU SHALT NOT KILL do you not get? So it is just a game you say? Is that how you would respond to God?!?! I sure hope not.
Wake up and realize that these games are evil, totally against God and His Word, and are desensitizing you to the Holy Spirit.
I have to agree. Shooter games are not of God anymore than a secular movie, book, or other entertainment device. They're created to make their inventors money. There's nothing Godly about the pursuit of money.
Yet, Christians enjoy the pleasures of these other things nonetheless. So I don't think that anything that isn't created for the glory of God is necessarily bad, it just cannot be allowed to come in between a person and God.
But, I assume that's not the specific reason why you think God wouldn't want Christians indulging in war games specifically. The idea of killing people is thrown around too easily in most modern games these days, so much so that a Christian has to be careful what ideas they're programming into their subconscious.<Spellcheck is a marvelous tool, is it not?)
In order to decide whether or not war games are truly wrong or not, one must dig into the subject of killing as a whole. While taking the life of a human is not acceptable by any means, there are times where it is called for. In the old testament, God kicked tons of anti-Israelite booty for his people. Sure, they were an ungodly bunch, and alot changed when Jesus came along. But even in cases of recent history mass killings were required. Like the stop the Tyranny set forth by the Axis powers in World War II.
I'm sure God had a hand in such a massive conflict.
So, looking back at these wars leads me to believe that in some situations we must kill to protect what God has blessed us with.
On the other hand, there is other kinds of killing which is undoubtedly sin. Like to kill someone to gain riches, out of an act of vengeance, or just for some twisted sense of satisfaction. This, in any form is sin and should be regarded as such in my humble opinion.
So, with that said about murder in general, you have probably already guessed my take on war video games. I don't think that a war game with two military factions struggling against each other are wrong. But I don't think that God endorses them either.
There are two more topics that I'd like to touch on.
I must admit that video games have desensitized me to much violence. I've played some pretty gory games, but nothing in which the main character was a sadistic criminal. (Such as Manhunt.) Unless I see it in real life, I don't freak out at the sight of blood. Seeing a head-shot over the television never surprises me.
But never once have I even thought of hurting another human. I think that the intentions of the character that you play as in a video game is what makes the difference here.
Like, in Modern Warfare 2's plot, I played as several spec-ops dudes who uncovered a huge plot that threatened the safety of normal people, and spent the game trying to stop this badguy. I don't think that this plot teaches anything bad. Though, I will say that it has taught me how to use ironsights.
Why does everyone get so worked up about this stuff though? Especially over the internet? It's kinda silly that when someone disagrees with another person, it oftentimes spawns alot of anger. I'm sure that's not how God intended us to work things out.
And what is this I've read about video games actually being able to rot people's brains? Where can I read more about this?