...man wrote the bible...
The Christian life is about a relationship, a LOVE relationship with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, He longs to have fellowship with you and this is done through prayer. Psalm 24v1-6, Isaiah 40v31, Phil 4v6, 1Thess 5v17
Also know that God the Father loves YOU like He love Jesus (John 17v23) and Jesus loves YOU as the Father loves Him and He is NOT ashamed to call YOU brother, the great LOVE that God has for you is demonstrated at a place called Calvary, where the Lord Jesus died upon a cross to make atonement not only for your sin, but for the sin of the world! John 3v16, 15v9, Rom 5v8, Heb 2v11.
Even now you are a child of God! John 1v12, 1John 3v1,2.
You state you have no decent Churches around you, if that is the case, do you know of any other (born again) Christians in your vicinity, if so, you can gather together for fellowship in each other's house for prayer, Bible study, singing hymns/choruses and just general fellowship, as this is what the early Chuch did, they met in their own homes. Rom 16v5
You can find a few simple studies Here, Here, Here, Here and Here that will help you with your faith.
Yahweh Shalom...