Just a penny of my observations (slightly deviating from the OP but related with a couple of following comments): One of the reason for the high percentage of divorce rate (taking the west as an example) could be due to
1. Strong sense of individualism and
2. High expectations
In the first, a person is mostly concerned with the issue of I, me, myself which is strongly present in western society. As studies have reported, in societies and cultures where the notion of individualism is comparatively low, marriages last longer if not for a lifetime and divorce is very rare but as society become more and more complex, the notion of individualism tend to grow stronger into a person and as a result marriages between such two persons is most likely to end up in divorce.
In the second, when certain expectations between spouse are not met, it lead to disappointment. Disappointment over a period of time will lead to discontentment until such time that divorce becomes the only option for the couple.
While it is not a bad thing to maintain some individualism and certain expectations, too much indulgence into the two would lead to clash of personality and disappointment that could end up in divorce. As a Christian, I personally believed that just as we are told in the scripture to conform our ways to the word of God, both the couple should also apply the same principle in marriage for it to last.
PS: There are exceptions in every society and culture and the same would be true in these cases as well. This is just a broad observation and generalisation and is not directed to offend anyone.