Anyone watch any good YouTubers? I'm practically addicted to YouTube! Haha
or online series or videos you enjoy watching?
the Vigilant Christian. he's extremely popular and he used to have another Channel until YouTube took it off because he spoke about what the world is going for Satan with Hollywood stuff, Illuminati, how fake voting is with presidents, he's basically gifted in seeing the things around us that the devil is doing to manipulate us, brainwash us, having us participate in things that seem very good for us but actually it's evil in plain sight. Such as Disney movies, music, holidays, yoga, etc.
He's a Canadian named Mario. He's live all the time to praise the Lord with others and teach or discuss some things, and very often he uses scripture.
There is my favorite preaching channel, Grace To You, with updates every Sunday or Wednesday, it's a huge popular chapel with true preaching. And the preacher has been preaching for decades. He's straight forward, he's not telling a million jokes, he's very knowledgeable, he doesn't go running and stomping around or telling you to send him money, he preaches some days, and some he's just answers questions from the crowd.the videos are averagely 30 minutes to an hour.
Next, these are Christians who love Christian metal and have been a part of even the very first metal Christian bands like back in the 70s and such. It's a bunch of guys together who understands different things in the Bible. It's the channel Sanctuary international matrix.
They talk about a lot of things. Pastor Bob answers questions every week day unless he's on a break, averagely 3 to 7 minutes videos. Others like Chris Dorman and Don Wayne talk about theology in the Bible and such to relate us to the Lord and scripture how to live and feel I think.
There's others too.
There's also Desiring God with pastor John Piper. He answers loads of questions and preaches, but I don't agree with some of his opinions here and there but at least he doesn't preach lies.
Paul washer doesn't have a channel but there are many videos with him preaching in many places in the world, he used to be my favorite as he really gives great understanding to truly being saved, living for God, raising children, and who we are and who we should be. He's very emotional and serious because it breaks his heart to imagine anyone going unsaved and to hell, he gives his life to get out there even in dangerous places where people have threatened to kill him and kill other people in those countries because they believe in Jesus Christ.
There's also my channels, X&X from a long time ago, it has me speaking about the Lord and shows a lot about my life. But I tried to stop focusing on me, and I made a channel called All For Yahweh, to try to continue a few things and focus on the Lord, a bit on my family-friendly but mainly I was pushed into starting it because a neighbor who I didn't even know, knew someone in my wife's family, and hated things I spoke about on X& X and threatened me in person to hurt me if I continued. It even got involved with cops. So I pursued a new channel they wouldn't easily find.
Those are the main ones I listen to and watch. Please let me know if you like them.