Have you considered that perhaps the people that died actually died and that the people that killed them simply blame Trump? I mean think about it for a minute. The leftwing openly rigged an election, openly inaugurated Joe Biden by occupying the Capitol with a massive military force (that is still there!), launched the most obvious show-trial that they knew they would not win, and are openly bragging about purging Christians and conservatives in the media.
If the left does all this openly; what is it to them to kill a few people in the name of power?
I mean think about this seriously for a moment and maybe you'll understand just how cooked the frog in the pot is.
If the left does all this openly; what is it to them to kill a few people in the name of power?
I mean think about this seriously for a moment and maybe you'll understand just how cooked the frog in the pot is.
Ashil Babbit wasn't shot, and she didnt die, it was fake!
Trump supporters didnt chase the Black Capitol officer, it was also a pre-planned fake production
Trump supporters stopped Antifa from breaking Capitol windows
Capitol police waved people into the Capitol building
You push the same CNN, MSNBC fake narrative
It was pre-planned to make President Trump and his supporters look like criminals,and to give Rino republicans an excuse to vote for the fraud electors
You ain't gonna change my mind, I followed the Capitol event, and media reporting by the minute, a big fake fraud!
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