Understand all brother...

Conceding and acknowledging the validity of your concerns and points...
However, the field of battle is much bigger than the LEFT vs RIGHT agendas... This is not about Battles - this is a WAR. We agree that we are genuinely engaged in spiritual warfare of Good vs Evil where the Cabal is at the helm of our Enemy... If true the strategic solution will have to be BIBLICAL - and not limited to mere battles between Left vs Right agendas - which we agree are merely a MOVIE of the Battle for Information Warfare...
If you followed the CV19 'conspiracy theories' that were validated early on by resistant Dr's and Scientists that exposed Bill Gates and Fauci's corrupt roles and alterior purposes as it pertains to Vaccines - if follows that MUCH UNCERTAINTY remains about the legitimacy of the Vaccines - as the CABAL remained fully capable of influencing whatever sinister diabolic strategic plans that they intended with their intended Vaccine - regardless of whomever was sitting in the WH... Afterall, they (CABAL) successfully pulled off the most corrupt US Presidental Election in the history of the World...
Think about this... If there is SCIENTIFIC evidence that Therapuetics such as Ivermectin (see below) are both MORE EFFECTIVE and LESS RISKY than the Vaccines - which BTW, these Rapid Vaccines were only intended to be rushed for EMERGENCY purposes for those in DIRE NEED from CV19... ie the Elderly and People with Weak Immune Systems were assumed to be good candidates to ACCEPT the RISK of a Rapid Vaccine vs the RISK of CV19... The Majority of US otherwise healthy individuals are otherwise already SAFE from CV19 (~Flu) if not IMMUNE from CV19 death.
BOTTOMLINE: I'm a 'TRUTHER'... If you buy into the rationale that CV19 was employed as a Weapon from China and/or the Cabal - than it stands to reason that their LONG-GAME STRATEGY is similarly tied to their strategic plans for the Vaccine... This is WAR... TRUST NOONE except Our Lord... There is A LOT of UNCERTAINTY and BAD things happening with these Vaccines... My advise to my friends, family and fellow Christians is to NOT be in a HURRY to take Unnecessary RISKS... IF GOOD DOES PREVAIL in the coming months/year - I recommend just holding off on the Vaccine if you are NOT in the CV19 HIGH RISK population... My spidey sense is that the CV19 HYPE is going to GO AWAY without the need or mandate for vaccines... I recommend IVERMECTIN in the mean time!
User Clip: Dr. Pierre Kory US Senate hearing - Ivermectin is 100% cure for COVID-19
DECEMBER 13, 2020
Dr. Pierre Kory US Senate hearing - Ivermectin is 100% cure for COVID-19