I began researching this when I came upon a blog and Christians were warning of forced vaccinations. So I looked it up and found some people who say that the vaccine may indeed be the Mark of the Beast. Satan is the great deceiver - can he deceive people into taking the mark?
The question at the head of this post is confusing deceptive and completely non-Biblical.
What is the mark of the beast? (
It is allegiance to a religious system [forehead] and action/works to support it [hand]).
To answer this question one must determine the identity of the beast.
Today post-protestants march in lock step with the Vatican, the church of Rome. They do it by dependence upon works and they do it by accepting Catholic interpretations of the Bible.
In 1590 Catholic Jesuit Francisco Ribera published a book establishing the doctrines of FUTURISM. Although rejected by the fathers of the Protestant reformation, FUTURISM went a long way to dispute those assertions and establish false doctrines now embraced by the post-protestant church. Chief among them is interpretation of the books of Daniel and Revelation. (
Do yourself a favor and look it up.)
The Bible interprets itself. No external pontiff is required to explain things to anybody who can read.
In the books of Daniel and Revelation descriptions of animals are used to predict the future. It is clearly established that these animal figures are representative of; nations, organizations or religious systems. Horns or projections from the head of these animals represent leaders or a succession of leaders.
If I'm allowed to cut to the chase here, the Sea beast described in Revelation 13 is a religious organization that is world-wide in scope (
interpreted in Revelation 17) - the Roman Catholic church. The horns coming out of the head of the Sea beast are a succession of popes. One of these was arrested and imprisoned by a Napoleonic general where he died at the end of the 18th century. The real estate of the Catholic church was seized and for over a hundred years THERE WAS NO POPE or Vatican. In the year 1929 Italian dictator Benito Mussolini reestablished the Papacy, gave the real estate back to the Catholic church and donated a large sum of money to sustain it in the early years of the 20th century. (
Google it) Thus one of the heads suffered a fatal wound (he really did) and was later healed of it (by Mussolini). The whole world DID stand in amazement at the time as the Bible says they would.
Thus the mark of the beast is allegiance to a religious system because allegiance is a thing that lives in the mind. A mark on the hand is symbolic of works, which are in accord with the aforesaid allegiance. It has nothing to do with a jab in the arm to prevent disease. (
Stupidity is not a virtue.)
But Ribera and the post reformation Catholic church didn't want Reformation ideology to survive, so he concocted the fantasy that nothing described in the Bible following the death of Jesus would be fulfilled until some distant unapproachable future - hence the moniker FUTURISM. (look it up)
Unfortunately the Earth Beast (the United States) follows in lock step with Rome (the Sea beast) and much of post protestant ideology about future events is a xerox copy of Ribera's anti-Biblical interpretations. This includes false doctrine such as the nature of the tribulation and the rapture. This latter has been turned inside out to persuade adherents they are among the blessed few of God's kingdom. They aren't. The rapture described in the Bible is actually a journey to hell taken by those who oppose God. (
Luke 17 - where do the vultures take the separated few - not to heaven, but the place of the spiritually dead)
Study these assertions and see if they are true or not. It will require one to abandon previous false assumptions about the beast, about its mark, and about the COVID vaccine among other matters.
Think. Read. Study.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...