Re: Christian Discernment on Real Conspiracy, Corruption, Greed, Agendas, etc.
If I could focus one one thing that could educate people (because I could literally write a book) -- it would be to allude to the practice of hypnotic suggestion. In my clinical experience working with people who suffer from mental illness, I have seen the full spectrum of how the mind operates and it's weaknesses. Much of what the mind processes is in the subconscious, our conscious thinking is like the tip of an iceberg. Hypnotic suggestion is a nefarious part of our society. This is no joke, and most people have no idea how this works. TV Advertisements are nothing more than an experience of hypnosis. Have you ever seen when a special announcement comes on TV and they count down: ten, nine, eight etc. Why the count down? It's to put you in a hypnotic state where you are suggestible to what you are about to be told. Have you seen the moving colors, twirling on the TV -I can't even describe all of ways they do this, there are so many. The symbols are implanted over and over again and they are speaking to your subconscious mind. This is a very dangerous and effective tool of Satan. He has been implanting 'programming' in you and your children that has great power. On the very severe end of the spectrum, German Nazi scientists were splitting people's minds and creating dissociative states years ago, and these techniques are applied today on a grand scale. By traumatizing the public through economic upheaval, for instance, people are primed through trauma to operate on a more fundamental level - making hypnotic suggestion more effective. Think about it, if we are constantly bombarded with fear, and things to fear, the primitive mind is operating more as we move to panic mode 'fight or flight' -- this causes degrees of dissociation (a natural protective mechanism that can be exploited) in which subconscious suggestions are more easily placed. Swallowing the devil's bait with mouths wide open. I've worked with survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse from time to time, and it's all about this - first trauma and fear, dissociation, then the programmer implants symbols and colors to which the child will always respond. Pink, you're small, and timid, afraid. Blue, you're a protector. Red, you're a sexual subordinate and will comply. I know these are extreme examples, but if you watch cartoons, look for the constant uses of hypnosis and the symbols/colors/themes. I tend to think most Christians naturally avoid this type of thing through their protections, but this is not the case for a lot of other people who keep buying products, worshipping idols, and essentially become powerless to those seductions peddled in consumer America.