As for me, I was always taught the same as everyone. Went to school. College. Listened to everyone make fun of people from history that thought the world was flat.
To even think about wether the earth was flat I had to over come a lot of programming. Satellites, space stations, the moon landings, voyager, paintings, 'photos', and a lot of other stuff. The more I shot wholes in the heliocentric model the more I was convinced that we were being lied to.
I can't prove the shape of the earth. I'm still not sure if its round or flat or whatever. But I know that space that we are taught and the solar system we are taught and stars being 4.468 trillion billion to the e500 power light years away is just wack.
To even think about wether the earth was flat I had to over come a lot of programming. Satellites, space stations, the moon landings, voyager, paintings, 'photos', and a lot of other stuff. The more I shot wholes in the heliocentric model the more I was convinced that we were being lied to.
I can't prove the shape of the earth. I'm still not sure if its round or flat or whatever. But I know that space that we are taught and the solar system we are taught and stars being 4.468 trillion billion to the e500 power light years away is just wack.
Lol. He might learn more about the true shape of the Earth there in a few weeks, than he clearly has in the 4 years he spent elsewhere.
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