Looks like there’s plenty of derangement syndromes lingering. Biden Derangement Syndrome, Feds Derangement Syndrome, Washington Derangement Syndrome, CDC Derangement Syndrome, FDA Derangement Syndrome, CIA Derangement Syndrome…
Hi Susanna! Welcome to this thread, it is always refreshing to enlighten more people to assist them out of the darkness of our World and into the Light of Our Lord's Truth...
I promise as a Christian (man of honor, courage and commitment) not to be argumentative, sarcastic, demeaning or disrespectful... LOL, you can trust me - I'm with the Government and I'm here to help...

I promise to speak and reveal facts based evidence to substantiate all the Information that you may not have been fully aware to allow you to consume in a new light and to use your own discernment to arrive at your own conclusions in-light of this new enlightened information.
I believe that it is my calling as a Christian-Patriot-Truther (formerly known as Conspiracy Theorists) to initiate this thread and two others before it that were canceled by the moderators - as they generated too much division within our CC community...
I refer the reference to 'Conspiracy Theorist' as they are NO LONGER THEORIES the FACTS and EVIDENCE have been EXPOSED PROVING the validity of the CORRUPT DEEP STATE (DS) LEFT, Main Stream Media, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Corporations, DoJ and the CIA etc...
Before I begin to provide you the Tip of the Iceberg of these TRUTHS may I ask a few questions that may help both of us with the state of your perspective upon several mutually supporting and compelling prisms from which you see the world...
- Do you believe that Our World is engaged in a Spiritual War between Forces of Good and Evil?
- Do you believe that our Government and World are engaged in an Information War as a means to influence and control society?
- Is the source of your News and Information from Main Stream Media?
- Do you live a Blue Urban City deep in the heart of Texas?
- Do you notice that the Majority of the Texas Population have a different perspective than you?
- Did you notice that the Majority of the Christian Chat viewers of this Thread AGREE that CV19 and the 2020 Election were CONSPIRACIES by the DEEP STATE and our Corrupt Left/RINO Politicians?
- Have you taken the time to consume ANY of the substantiating information, posts and videos from this thread that DEBUNK and REFUTE the information shown on MSM?
- Have you seen MUSK's Exposure via TWITTER that PROVIDED EVIDENCE PROVING all the CONSPIRACIES between the CORRUPT LEFT, CIA, DoJ, MSM, Big Tech and Big Pharma?
- Have you seen Congress Exposure of Fauci and CDC CORRUPTION regarding the origins of CV19?
- Have you seen the VIDEOS that House Speaker Sen MCCarthy gave to Tucker Carlson who exposed all the HIDDEN TRUTHS and EVIDENCE about Jan 6th - PROVING that the DS/LEFT/MSM Deliberately fed the public MIS-INFORMATION, DIS-INFORMATION and LIES?
- Are you of the mind that Hunter's Laptop is a Russian Dis-Information Job?
- Do you believe that the Biden Family are NOT Guilty of TREASONOUS Business Activities with our Enemies?
- Do you believe that there are more than Two Sexes (Man and Woman)?
- Do you believe that kids should be exposed to Books with graphic Pornographic symbolism and verbiage?
- Do you believe that Transvestites should be able to read story hour books in public schools?
- Are you aware of the DS Globalist Reset Agenda?
- Are you aware that Jeffrey Epstein helped the DS to run a Child Sex Trafficking Ring for the Deep State as a means to compromise, entrap and leverage insurance for corrupt Politicians, Government Leaders, and Celebrity Influencers to aid and abed their Diabolic Evil Globalist Agenda?
- If you learn that We are INFACT in an EPIC SPIRITUAL WAR between Forces of Good and Evil - which side do you believe is on the Side of Good?
For the Record - this THREAD has SUBSTANTIATING EVIDENCE Proving All of these Conspiracies... Feel free to peruse this thread (might consider using the search function) or just let us/me know which part of these TRUTHS you are having the hardest time coming to terms with?
God Bless, Bill