Again another DS/MSM Desperate Move BITES the DUST!!!
Even CNN desperately took the RISK of GIVING TRUMP a PLATFORM and COLLECTIVELY AGREED Tot REGRET IT and ask themselves WHY did CNN take this stupid Risk?
Because they are DESPERATE, and because they continue to take the White Hats BAIT to consistently Demonstrate to the PEOPLE that the Corrupt DS/LEFT/MSM have LOST CONTROL of the NARRATIVE while more and more People continue to GET TRUTH BOMBED!!!
LOL, the CNN TOWNHALL AUDIENCE even LAUGHED at his Jokes!!! hahaha
Trump update 05/11/2023..Hope everyone enjoyed CNN tonight. The New Hampshire audience was AMAZING. Thank you!
Thursday, May 11, 2023 20:17
Donald J. Trump
Hope everyone enjoyed CNN tonight. The New Hampshire audience was AMAZING. Thank you!
Jake Tapper Holds Back Tears As He Weeps About Donald Trump Destroying CNN On Live TV
Even CNN desperately took the RISK of GIVING TRUMP a PLATFORM and COLLECTIVELY AGREED Tot REGRET IT and ask themselves WHY did CNN take this stupid Risk?
Because they are DESPERATE, and because they continue to take the White Hats BAIT to consistently Demonstrate to the PEOPLE that the Corrupt DS/LEFT/MSM have LOST CONTROL of the NARRATIVE while more and more People continue to GET TRUTH BOMBED!!!
LOL, the CNN TOWNHALL AUDIENCE even LAUGHED at his Jokes!!! hahaha
Trump update 05/11/2023..Hope everyone enjoyed CNN tonight. The New Hampshire audience was AMAZING. Thank you!
Thursday, May 11, 2023 20:17

Donald J. Trump
Hope everyone enjoyed CNN tonight. The New Hampshire audience was AMAZING. Thank you!
Jake Tapper Holds Back Tears As He Weeps About Donald Trump Destroying CNN On Live TV
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