In this world, 'believing' is seen as such a powerful thing, when really it is not. Believing means that we have an interpretation of something and we choose to 'believe' that version of it. Not only that but our 'belief' is divided and divided.
So one could say do you believe in God. Yes or no, with no minority. One separation of belief, with no minority.
What is God? Multiple answer, with majority and minority. Multiple separation of belief, with many majorities and minorities.
What is your interpretation of that God? Multiple answer, with majority and minority. Multiple separation of belief, with many majorities and minorities.
And so the pyramid of separation of each other grows endless.
Belief is the operating system you choose to run in the computer of your mind.
However, can most operating systems run most software? Pretty much.
So regardless of belief, or difference of religion, or difference of doctrine, what do we have in common if we take away this 'incompatibility of righteousness'?
Well compared to inanimate or dead objects, we are all left with something extremely powerful when we have nothing. It's called love. Many would say God, but aren't they the same thing. Or is that illogical?
Love is the Unifier. And many maybe talk about God being the Unifier, but God is Love. However people make God in the image of people and their flawed mind of logic. I think the absolute opposite to Love is Logic.
If someone has faith, suspends reason, and does something that appears crazy or illogical, but it happened to be the right thing to do, that appears as illogical. An absolution of Logic makes one intelligent, but often loveless. Like how people here think they are doing the right thing when they intelligently dissect posts, using their logical capability. It is often deconstructive, rather than constructive.
Love is pressing the stop button and saying something nice instead. It seems illogical if you are wrapped up in argument or logical battles of wit. But Love is what brings God present; in all things. Arguments, finding a job, getting over the past, settling disputes.
If you struggle to 'know' love, regardless of whether you 'believe' in love, or maybe even have come to 'believe' that love brings much pain, or 'believe' that love comes from God (and does NOT have to come from you), or any of the trillions of 'beliefs' possible on any one subject, then how can you come to 'know' God?
People are often concerned with knowing God, or knowing Jesus, and yet knowing the more loving version of themselves; mehhh. This is who I am, they say. They are the enemy, they say. My belief is the right one, they say. I know more than them, they say. I speak for everyone, they say. All these thoughts, based on an operating system of logic loops, that quite often, like a computer are hard to break out of. And so the personality of someone becomes predictable. A renewed mind is replacing the operating system with the knowledge of what it really means to love, to love yourself, and to love others, all others, not conditionally others if you happen to like them, or more so if they live in the same country, or they like what you say, or they love you. Love is not logic, because, it could mean trying to love someone that you have decided you don't love. Logic would never let you do such a thing! Logic loops, hard to break out of, but, it is always possible to break outside of the box, to go the extra mile, to do something different to your programming. The programming that you think doesn't exist.