I clicked a few of the links. They were not about covid vaccines at all.
One went back to an article written in 1984. Very dishonest of you.
What do you expect?
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. - Proverbs 18:2
I can quote numerous scripture references to the devious qualities of liars, but doubt they'd be seriously considered. After all,
no one is concerned about God's opinion -
only their own.
God has issued IN STONE His
second commandment to love one's neighbor. Those that refuse to mask or vaccinate hate their neighbor. Their true nature is revealed in their actions - or lack of them. If one does not seek to protect one's neighbor and family one does not deserve protection for themselves.
Jesus said, "
thou shall NOT tempt the Lord your God." This remark was made directly to the devil who tempted Christ to cheat God's promise of protection. When protection in the form of medical assistance is available (for free) and one does not avail of the deliverance, then God's protection may NOT be available.
Many are under the impression COVID isn't a serious disease.
COVID isn't a Hollywood disease where one is ill in one scene and dead the next. COVID can result in a lengthy hospital stay in weeks or months. Following recovery the patient and their family are responsible for CONSIDERABLE financial payments for the treatment. It's also possible that a protracted therapy could be encountered - involving further financial responsibilities. In other words, apart from extended personal suffering the patient's family descends into severe financial disaster.
In the likely event the COVID patient dies, the family must pay for funeral expenses. Funerals aren't cheap and added to the sadness of a departed loved one are the additional financial burdens of burying the dead.
All of this can be avoided by masking and vaccinating. Suffering may still happen, but statistics tell us it's not as severe as that which is experienced by those who didn't get the jab.
Where there is no wisdom the nation falls...." - Prov. 11:14
Judgments God is bringing upon America are the consequences of our passive indifference toward the Most High. COVID is but one fruit of this disregard for God and His Holy LAW. There is more to come.
Watch and learn, pilgrim.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...