@Nehemiah6 ,@notmyown @GaryA , @HeIsHere , @Paddedbeaver, @Dj godson, ,@mosesyoung, @Helen2004, @resto , @Joshua_783, @Lorielhn, @MonicaJosipha @vassal , @seoulsearch , @shineyourlight , @TooDarnPale, @cv5 @Blain , @CarriePie , @2ndTimeIsTheCharm , @dlw , @SilverFox7 ,@SunshineGirl ,
@ZNP , @shittim , @Gojira,@TheNarrowPath, @swatfrog, @TheLearner , ,@ephesians2all, @Zandar , @wattie , @yoriii, @Magenta ,@TabinRivCA , @MessengerofTruth, @mailmandan, @Mii, and last but not least... @HopeinHim98 ♥️
From Simian Virus 40 in polio jabs to spike proteins in mRNA, VACCINE-INDUCED CANCER is nothing new to the insidious medical industrial complex
For seventy years and counting, the medical industrial complex has been manufacturing cancer-causing vaccines, then using them as biological weapons of mass destruction on hundreds of millions of innocent people, all while disguising the weapons as “medicine.” They are still doing it. Who knows this? Health Canada knows.
Health Canada confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer’s Covid mRNA jabs. In fact, multiple sequences of SV40 were identified, according to Janci Lindsay PhD, director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services, including an SV40 promoter in addition to an SV40 enhancer.
Dr. Lindsay has EXTENSIVE experience, over 30 years of scientific experience, in toxicant pharmacology and the cellular effects of toxins that impair human health. Health Canada confirmed the presence of this contamination in the Pfizer vials, but never disclosed it to the public (as required in Canada and the USA). The cancer-causing monkey virus SV40 is ILLEGAL for use in vaccines, per U.S. federal law passed in 1961.
In other words, the vaccine industry purposely and illegally uses viral pieces or fragments (think spike proteins and SV40) as cancer promoters that is directly attributed to cancer development in humans. There are billions of copies of these viral fragments per dose of vaccine. Talk about chronic inflammation, autoimmune disorders and turbo cancer. No wonder this is happening to millions of injected humans.
History repeats itself: mRNA-vaccine-induced CANCER nothing new if you dial it back to when the Polio vaccine gave millions of people SV40
SV40 is a known animal carcinogen that did not simply “find its way” into polio vaccines. They were engineered that way. This is very difficult for most Americans to wrap their head around. Here’s how you know. A federal law was passed in 1961 OUTLAWING vaccines from containing SV40. Why else would they point out SV40, among all the other viruses, bacteria and contaminants out there? Now they’re using it again in the Covid jabs, and nobody is calling it out, except a handful of whistle-blowing scientists and journalists, who are then smeared and silenced. History repeats itself. Follow the bouncing ball.
Bookmark for Future reference.
This information has been flushed down the memory hole by Google and search engines they control. A few years ago I could find comprehensive videos and reports on the history of the polio vaccine.)
@ZNP , @shittim , @Gojira,@TheNarrowPath, @swatfrog, @TheLearner , ,@ephesians2all, @Zandar , @wattie , @yoriii, @Magenta ,@TabinRivCA , @MessengerofTruth, @mailmandan, @Mii, and last but not least... @HopeinHim98 ♥️
From Simian Virus 40 in polio jabs to spike proteins in mRNA, VACCINE-INDUCED CANCER is nothing new to the insidious medical industrial complex
For seventy years and counting, the medical industrial complex has been manufacturing cancer-causing vaccines, then using them as biological weapons of mass destruction on hundreds of millions of innocent people, all while disguising the weapons as “medicine.” They are still doing it. Who knows this? Health Canada knows.
Health Canada confirmed the presence of DNA contamination in Pfizer’s Covid mRNA jabs. In fact, multiple sequences of SV40 were identified, according to Janci Lindsay PhD, director of toxicology and molecular biology for Toxicology Support Services, including an SV40 promoter in addition to an SV40 enhancer.
Dr. Lindsay has EXTENSIVE experience, over 30 years of scientific experience, in toxicant pharmacology and the cellular effects of toxins that impair human health. Health Canada confirmed the presence of this contamination in the Pfizer vials, but never disclosed it to the public (as required in Canada and the USA). The cancer-causing monkey virus SV40 is ILLEGAL for use in vaccines, per U.S. federal law passed in 1961.
In other words, the vaccine industry purposely and illegally uses viral pieces or fragments (think spike proteins and SV40) as cancer promoters that is directly attributed to cancer development in humans. There are billions of copies of these viral fragments per dose of vaccine. Talk about chronic inflammation, autoimmune disorders and turbo cancer. No wonder this is happening to millions of injected humans.
History repeats itself: mRNA-vaccine-induced CANCER nothing new if you dial it back to when the Polio vaccine gave millions of people SV40
SV40 is a known animal carcinogen that did not simply “find its way” into polio vaccines. They were engineered that way. This is very difficult for most Americans to wrap their head around. Here’s how you know. A federal law was passed in 1961 OUTLAWING vaccines from containing SV40. Why else would they point out SV40, among all the other viruses, bacteria and contaminants out there? Now they’re using it again in the Covid jabs, and nobody is calling it out, except a handful of whistle-blowing scientists and journalists, who are then smeared and silenced. History repeats itself. Follow the bouncing ball.
Bookmark for Future reference.
This information has been flushed down the memory hole by Google and search engines they control. A few years ago I could find comprehensive videos and reports on the history of the polio vaccine.)
Here's a few of the many personal experiences that I hope you all do NOT ever experience.
I've been shot at a few times in my life and the Lord protected me.
One was an adult who used a 12 gauge shotgun at my head in attempt to murder me. Then there were high powered rifles, a bow, lawn darts, stones, low powered rifle and a revolver pointed at my face . None were me willingly subjecting myself to them though. Nor did I provoke such actions of attempted murder. There are a LOT more freakish psychopaths in this world than the average Joe with their boring life believes.
The kind you we are talking about are injectables from strangers that have proven untrustworthy to me and my family. The Dr ordered a unit of blood, dirty contaminated blood, most likely from drug addicts and those who subjected themselves to the mandated COVID shots. A nurse dutifully injected Mom as did others who collapsed her veins left and right. I commanded her to stop as soon as I learned of it. I don't respect those nurses nor my brother for approving those.
I will never be injected by any of those self proclaimed health care professionals. If the Lord ever gives me a good woman and my own children, none of them will ever be injected. The other side of Mom's people made sure she was injected with the cancer shots.
Our dogs were also injected with deadly shots behind my back in order to " put them down." Thank you kind brother. I was just curing Mocha of cancer and went to pick up Sasha to adopt him from Mom. He killed them both!
The righteous man regardeth
the life of his beast, but
The tender mercies of the wicked are cruel."
Again, my grandparents were put down worse than dogs by an arrogant know it all woman that I previously warned, who gave Grandma a big dose of end stage dementia that lasted over a year and my grandpa was made very sick for over a year with her tender mercies. He was strong as could be until that Influenza shot. Grandma was drooling in front of the TV and unresponsive to anyone after that safe and effective flu shot. Ironic that the same woman who made sure they were shot is still alive.
Today there are research scientists who report that the varieties of most vaccines contain the same ingredients as the COVID poisoned shots.
Dear friend, beware of those in medical scrubs bearing gifts.
The story of my dear mother's life has been recorded for all mother's as the Lord brings me supernaturally to this very passage.
And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, 26And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, 27When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.
Mark 5
Next He just brought me to 13:12
12Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, ...and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.
I cannot understand why anyone could do that to their own parents, but I believe it because Jesus warns us.
Having watched my aunt with her own parents and my brother with my Mom, now I see how they justified what they did.
I am not pointing any fingers or blame at you or any other believers here. I am just expressing the raw consequences of the evil medical industry that posses like idols to be exalted in their ivory temples of death. I would no sooner roll up my sleeve for one of those smiling faces than I would for a heroine pusher in a creeper van.
May we protect our families and fellow believers from such fates.
I have failed.
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