had multiple people on this site and other social media that actually told me that having a strong immune system was no help with covid.... unreal.
That is sad. We have our work cut out for us, don't we?
That reminds me of my own people.
I was thinking about my Aunt and her grown daughter the other day.
This is the same Aunt who insisted that my strong grandparents get a flu shot.
Grandma kept an organic garden that was over an acre! Her neighbor has a tractor and would till the soil each spring.
My grandpa travelled in his pickup to Georgia and back helping his single daughter. We would pour concrete and cut brush, hard work. He never got vaccinated. I warned he and the one daughter against them too since I was a nutritionist and studied naturalpathic physicians.
The next thing I find out is that daughter insisted on taking them both to get the shots.
Immediately grandpa got very sick with flu symptoms. I was assured by the aunt that was impossible, blah blah blah that it could be from the same shot she gave them the same week. He was absolutely sick for a year and spent most of that time secluded in his bedroom suffering.
How long did he have the flu?
12 hours?
24 hour bug?
48 hours?
No, that strong healthy man died of the influenza injection over a year of being sick every one of those weeks!
Grandma had a different fate .
She was given a gift that only a medical doctor and nurse can give.
She was given advanced dementia the rest of her short life.
I shared that with my aunt's daughter several times so she would not make the same fatal mistakes with her own family.
After Mom's funeral she rubs my nose in it by telling us how proud she was to get Fauci's death shot and his boosters too.
My brother knows the facts about the COVID injections and how it contaminated the blood supply with multiple doses of the toxic injections, cancer cells, grafine oxide and a bunch of other toxins that kill people right now.
What did my brother do ?
He made sure my Mom was given the contaminated poison blood!
She was starting to get anemic was the excuse. I brought Mom liver and the best bone broth in the city. That and getting her off the hospital sugar and Canola oil would have turned her around. Instead he provided assurance of death. Death of my own Mom... my family.
My only consolation is that the Lord is just
I should post this one where others are more likely to see it. Perhaps it will save a life. Perhaps not. Unlike those medical professionals, I'm into saving lives. It's just a kick in the gut when they rob you of your own family.
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