He is destroying the world one day at a time. Christians should at no time
support his evil decisions because is they do, they are complicit in ugly
reign of terror. He aligns himself with other dictators and monsters of this
world while he is more than willing to destroying any allies who are trying
to build a precious world. He is a monstrous liar, a cheat, a phoney, a con man
and the world's biggest charlatan. Christians need to immediately cease and
desist supporting this "evil one" by aiding him in his destructive ways.
I'm a bit surprised you take all that the mainstream media says so seriously. As a biblically based Christian who has studied the political realm extensively for probably a decade and a half including venturing into areas one is not supposed to enter, I have reached the conclusion that this world ain't gonna be fixed by human beings.
Hence, i do not place my trust in any politician to correct the results of God's curse upon this world, nor the results of man's sinful nature. (Jeremiah 17:11) and (Psalm 146:3).
That being said, some are better than others. We have what i call the "leftstream media" presenting Donald Trump as the most evil person that has ever occupied the office.
Yet this same leftstream media had little to say about Barack Obama's deference to Islam (which is truly Anti-Christ. See Nonie Darwish's book Wholly Different: Why I Chose Biblical Values Over Islam for an excellent comparison of biblical Christian cultural values and Islamic cultural values. You will find that the title of Nonie's book makes a very clear case. This from a woman who spent 30 years in Egypt under sharia law and now 37 years in the U.S. btw.)
Obama's deference to socialist values (Socialism is the basis for Communism, Nazism and Facism btw) in the form of Obamacare, extensive regulatory additions and rampant public money spending (adding more to the national debt than all other President's combined) among other actions is certainly not an endorsement of biblical values.
The leftstream media had little to anything to say about this movement of us towards the non-biblical socialist values that Obama endorsed. Not a complaint as he buried us in debt and government regulation.
Yet, Trump enters the scene and before he even took office and did a thing, there were nationwide protests.
Had Hillary have won, which most felt was a continuation of Obama's policy with some Clinton corruption mixed in for good measure, we would have witnessed a general acceptance by the majority of the media and none of what is surfacing now would have arisen. Frankly, she may have been the nail in the coffin of a nation already heading in the wrong direction.
Christ said, judge a tree by its fruits. Who is leading the charge against Trump?
Well, we saw a march of woman that wore pink hats that they likened to a part of the female anatomy. They were Pro-Choice (which is to say Pro-Death really). They are pro-Islam as they permitted Linda Sarsour to speak about a Jihad against Trump while ignoring the fact that Islam endorses a brutality against woman that is vicious and demeaning. They were mostly angry, foul mouthed woman carrying signs with embarrassing obscenities while young female children were permitted to march and more. Not exactly a model of Christ but rather a closer match with this Satan ruled realm.
The pro-life march a month or so later reflected a complete 180 turn around btw. Research it yourself.
Then, we have Antifa. Flat out Marxists. Clear from the fact that they spout Marxist chants, wear masks with the Communist flag on them and parade the Communist flag at their Anti-Trump rallies. They are foul-mouthed, viciously destructive of private property, embarrasingly arrogant in the face of authority which they hate, do not support American values (which are biblically based even if not intentional), promote both hatred and violence and believe in silencing the opposition through noise which btw reminds me of the Ephesian's who chanted- Great is Diana of the Ephesians "about the space of two hours" Acts 19:34
Had Hillary been elected we probably would have seen none of this but would have continued in the Obama direction.
So, as Christ said, judge a tree by its fruit.
To me, I don't expect Trump to "fix" everything. No one will IMHO until Christ returns to finish the job so to speak and separate the wheat from the chaff in the process.
However, what I do see from Trump is a mirror. He is attempting to "drain the swamp" as he puts it. The swamp is the decay created by secular humanist values which come straight out of Marxist/Leninism and is truly anti-Christ.
The swamp of decay doesn't want that. They want a corrupt plantation of government under which we work as slaves to the State. See Christian Dinesh D'Souza's new movie- Death of a Nation (or read the book) for a capsule summary of that.
Trump in his attempt to drain is stirring the swamp creatures to action. They will use any means possible to keep their swamp of anti-Christ decay intact. It is reflected in the most vociferous groups opposing anything Donald Trump attempts.
Personally, I don't expect perfection from Donald. He is a sinner just like the rest of us. However, I personally support his attempts. It is far from Anti-Christ if you observe what is going on objectively. He supports Israel and moved the capital to Jerusalem. Obama did almost nothing to help Israel and was deferential to its cause in many ways. (His Arab spring movement allowed Al Qaeda to replace the vacuum created by the death and defeat of Kaddafi for example.)
Trump has all but eliminated ISIS, or ISIL as Obama put it, in a year. Something Obama promised would take possibly decades.
While Obama promoted the State enslavement of black with dramatic food stamp and welfare increases, blacks now have the lowest employment rates ever recorded as do Latinos. Not bad for a racist, one could say.
While Obama piled on the debt, Trump is stimulating the economy by lowering regulatory controls (He's eliminated over 30,000 pages from the Federal Register which Obama drove up to over 92,000 pages, the most ever.) and lowering taxes on Corporations and businesses which, quite honestly, hire the rest of us. The 83% tax break claim applies because the wealthy pay the majority of the taxes. People considered low income pay little to none. Of course, the wealthy will experience most of the tax reductions.
Not everything is great about Trump. I want out of these debt producing wars myself and do not look forward to any escalation of international conflicts but would rather see us withdraw.
He's not a politician and doesn't talk like one. That's OK, neither do most of the rest of us, including Christians.
He gets embroiled in silly stuff on Twitter which is a distraction he should use judiciously IMHO.
But, is he better than the Marxism of Obama and what Hillary would have brought?
Judge the tree by its fruit which includes those so strongly opposed to Donald Trump. That will tell you more than some CNN or MSNBC spun story focusing on a negative that ultimately has no direct impact on our lives. Personally, I am interested in results not the fluff of secular humanist inspired identity politics.
Just my two cents on the topic. Use biblical principles and make your own mind up keeping in mind Psalm 146:3 as you do.