It's of real interest to me how Trump has convinced people to be hateful, dishonest, intolerant at best, violent at worst. I remember when Republicans used to have values: limited government, self-determination, minimum taxation, fiscal restraint, strong (anti-Soviet) defense, etc. Now it has turned into a hoard of extremists who invent ways of cheating, lying, stealing, being abusive to any and all who disagree with them, and worse. They elected a President who cozied up to Vladimir Putin and Kin Jong-un, two of the most violent, corrupt dictators on the planet, among other grievous sins.
I remember well the days of Eisenhower, Reagan, Nixon (even), the Bush guys, McCain, and others who were decent people (even though I didn't agree with their politics entirely). Now, the party has turned into a bunch of angry extremists who have no moral compass. They are vicious, undisciplined brutes who are trying to make the US into a quasi-Soviet "might-makes-right" dictatorship.
It is sad and disgusting. What has happened to the "Grand old Party"?