You don't think that the USA will miss the great tribulation or the Lord's judgement of the nations do you? I agree with you that the worst of society is now in charge of the nation but if we drain the swamp for real we would need to start with lobbyists, Big oil, Big Pharma, Big Banker, wall street, Federal reserve and war mongering weapons panderers. It won't happen! I feel the end is insight. crimes against humanity are nearly overshadowed by crimes against the planet. The devil is taking over. We must choose whether to obey God's laws or mans laws. Both parties are equally corrupt. What is more important, The US Constitution or the word of God? The Lord and our neighbors or the moneychangers the Sorcerers and Satanic abortionistic pro Antichrists. All kingdoms and nations will fall in the end. Join the Lords side or get left behind and suffer the consequences.
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