I think a lot of scepticism regarding gifts and speaking in tongues, comes from peoples only experience of these things coming from all the false teachers such as Todd Bentley and Benny Hinn. I know a number of people from Church of England who think even raising hands is rebellions and strange, what they make of more spiritual outpourings I hate to think.
so Todd Bentley and Benny Hinn are false.
but what do they do that is DIFFERENT?
WHY are they false?
It is natural to shun away and reject things you are not familiar with,
do you shun Todd Bentley and Benny Hinn?
if so, why?
what does familiarity have to do with anything?
the question at hand is....are the tongues people claim in the videos the languages from THE BIBLE?
as it is because you can not see anything overwhelmingly obvious written in the Bible on the subject, a good example is diretion people fall over when ovecome by "spirit" .
so you are saying there is nothing written about falling over?
or that there is?
if it's not in scripture, why the appeal to Biblical authority for it?
Satans job is to corrupt everything God creates and create counterfeits of everything God wants for us, from setting out false religions, corrupt versions of Christianity and right down to the things we see and do as Christians. The saying goes, you do not forge a $19 bill, so it is with Satan and demons, they are going to mimick the genuine things from God, this includes all the gifts such as healing being the obvious.
okay....i know this argument as well.
so in WHAT WAY does satan counterfeit any of the tongues or interpretations in the videos posted?
how can YOU tell the difference, since even YOU don't know what you or anyone else is saying?
how do people in this movement discern amongst themselves what is counterfeit and what is not?
please, please PLEASE explain this to me.
it hinges on this.
as for the counterfeit money thing...well, what if this can actually be trusted:
Acts 2
5Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. 6And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one was hearing them speak in his own language. 7And they were amazed and astonished, saying, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? 8And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language? 9Parthians and Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, 11both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians—we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God.”
what if this above is the real thing?
So it is with toungues, we see an inflitration of demonic spirits manifesting themselves throughout the Pentecostal movement, this movement started off in right way, but Satan has from day 1 all but destroyed its credibility
i'll try again...please..post a link to an assembly you know of that isn't corrupted by satans infiltration.
isn't it reasonable to ask to be able compare the good with the bad?
So it is with toungues, we see an inflitration of demonic spirits manifesting themselves throughout the Pentecostal movement, this movement started off in right way, but Satan has from day 1 all but destroyed its credibility and sown countless false ministers through the movement, to the point where anything amazing to do with Holy Spirit is shot down in flames as being "bad" and "unbiblical" as people automatically assume its "bad spirits".
how do you know any of that was
ever the Holy Spirit?
There was a comment on the video posted above, saying that is sounded repetitive, mantra soundingetc. Yes good observation, but remember, Satan fakes things to take us away and fool us, that is why we see this as a common occurance with likes of Kundalini and so on. Many people think they are being influenced by Holy SPiirt, when infact thier "gift" is from Satan.
so was the mantra video of satan?
how can you be sure?
Like it or not, tongues is a gift and is given to people including myself, it may not have much of a write up in Bible, but then neither are many other things, some things today we do not even find in the Bible, are trains evil and something we should not use because they are not mentioned in the Bible?
Its same thing with other gifts, some Christians go out of their way to prove healing dosnt happen today, yet I have experienced healing and seen it, same with tongues and speaking in it.
I know what I have is real and is genuine from the HOly SPirit, so anyone telling me otherwise will fail in their attempt.
everyone says they have the real thing.
I know that many people think they have it, but they are under the influsence of false spirits who are influencing them,
how can you tell?
I know I am not under any demonic or bad spirit influence for number of reasons, especially when I had this I had the right people with discernment of these things pray over me as I spoke it and "tested" it.
but what if they believed the same counterfeit?
of course they would affirm you in it.
It sadens me how many Christians deny this and deny themselves from receiving it due to what they think is right, yet despite a genuine believer who is solid in GOd and Christ telling hem otherwise, they still do not believe or trust. Its not any different from trying to make an atheist a believer!
well, hopefully we'll get some examination done via videos. PLEASE say which you think are real; which are not - and WHY.
instead of just brushing off the concern of people such as myself; calling them virtually atheists.