Is there such a thing as a 'normal' marriage?? Every relationship has it's own uniqueness and the paths of navigation are different for every couple

Focus on the Family is a GREAT organization for helping marriages and families. They have a wonderful website.
One suggestion about your original post...that your husband only tells you that you're beautiful if you ask him. I don't think it's a good idea to ask people for compliments...otherwise they're rather forced. I think a lot of women have insecurities in different areas...we need to really examine what is making us feel insecure and come up with a plan to tackle it. Sometimes we put too much on our husbands; especially with emotional needs. Although a husband should make his wife feel loved, he just isn't going to be able to fill the need wives have for
God's love. That we need to seek ourselves from the main Source.
Over the years, I have learned to accept my husband the way he is. His 'shortcomings' are different than your husband's 'shortcomings'. And he has accepted my shortcomings. This acceptance of each other with love and understanding comes from a mutual commitment to self-sacrificing love. I think this is one of the main purposes of a godly marriage...learning about self sacrifice and submitting to one another; from both husband and wife. And it has nothing to do with being a door-mat. We have actually learned that we CAN confront each other about unpleasant things because we know deep down that the issue at hand is not going to hurt our marriage; that covenant we made with each other is stronger than the problem.
I, too, am dealing with a weight problem and low self-esteem. I'm in the process of losing 50 pounds (lost 25 so far). I know we shouldn't be too caught up in our looks but when our self-esteem is suffering and we're battling depression, it's time to take the bull by the horns and DO SOMETHING about it. As much as we'd like to think our looks shouldn't matter to our husband, the fact is that it usually does. One thing I've discovered on my self-improvement program is that my husband is blessed that I want to please him

. I know that he'd love me no matter how much weight I gained but the fact that I'm improving my looks (and my health) for me and for him, makes him happy.
I love reading Joyce Meyer's "Battlefield of the Mind" (good for fighting depression) and also "Look Great, Feel Great-12 keys to Enjoying a Healthy Life Now". She's not afraid of dealing with women's issues!
Another thing I've learned in 30 years of marriage...our husbands NEED our approval. It took me a while to learn this. I didn't realize that it mattered to him if I 'approved' of him or not. But they really need our verbal approval and respect. I assumed he knew that I honored and respected him. Just the other day I looked him in the eye and said, 'thanks honey for going to work everyday and being such a good provider for our family'. He got the biggest grin on his face

Praying for you and your husband....that the Spirit leads you both into a faith-filled, honoring marriage where you both will be completely fulfilled by God-directed love for one another.