There's no limit what God can do when we ask Him to . Just a thought, for anyone that wants to read it and bring it to Him for understanding, because He makes sense. One of my favorite lines, besides, well, you know

, is "God is the only one who will never let you down." That is the truth: family will, friends will, God won't . It might SEEM like God is letting you down but He's not, don't worry, He's not, He's not, not, not

God has ONLY good plans for you. Hey! That's not me speaking, that's He who made you. What a thought !!! You are not some egg in the water that evolved into a fish and then grew legs and became a lizard, YOU are His creation, and, EVERY bit about you was CREATED by Him, for "His good will and pleasure," as Scripture tells us. So does Scripture say, we are "His workmanship," (Eph. 2:10) . We are PUT on this planet for a purpose, it's His for us. Don't drive your own purpose, YOU can't do it IF you have given your self to Him, He HAS the plans for you

Jeremiah 29:11. Right? I know, most of you know this verse but maybe this, the Lord leads, helps you see the verse and Him in a new light. You are His workmanship, He wants us to do what then? Work, right?
Hard to tell all what will happen when we do His work, we know what that is, don't we, being good, letting Him lead our lives as we have compassion for the poor, help the needy with food, etc. etc. LOVE. It's such a word, such a WORD ! And, it's sooo important, first, we are to Love Him with ALL our everything--mind, body, soul, heart, and, then, we are to love who, with His kind of 'Love?' Each other.
Wow ! What a day ! Work was not good, I didn't sleep well last night and doing mind-active work I'm doing now you just can't do that, but, I know things happen for a reason and, I know, God's really blessed me in the last 24 and really all my life, speaking of work, EVERY work I've done--and, a lot of it I look back on and say , 'I really did that?'--I've thanked God for and, praised Him, because I've enjoyed my many jobs done, from newspaper delivery to delivering pizzas to yeah, everything. I hope I say that truthfully, some work, of course, I liked better than others if I 'scaled' it, but, yeah, OK, and, one more thing today that was God AT WORK......
I was inside AT WORK on my business stuff when, suddenly, outside I heard this yelp followed by yelping and other noise. I was not sure what it was so I went running outside, not sure exactly why but my dog was outside and she can get herself in trouble with her friendliness to others. The noise of yelping got louder as I approached it behind a machinery trailer....
It was my dog who looked like she was about dead. I prayed to God inside as I ran over to the 100 lb pitbull that had her neck in its throat. Piddy was being held up in the air by the neck. So, you can imagine my praying and my panic. People say it's useless to try and pull a pit's jaws apart that are locked onto something, in this case my dog ! But, that's exactly what I did , as my dad and the other pit's owner were discussing what to do, I heard, one say, get a pipe, the other was saying, something too but in that splitsecond! I was praying and going right at my dog and that pitt that had her in a death grip.
I took my hands and pulled on the pit's jaws, and, surprisingly, I say, PRAISE GOD

, the pit let go of my dog ! She was limp and I realized immediately that she was not with a gaping flesh wound in the side of her neck. The pit had just had my dog by the hair part, I found out when I examined her. I then looked at my shirt and blood was all over it, so, I was beginning to wonder if she suffered another gaping wound elsewhere. Examining her, I found nothing???? But then>>>>> I saw her ear, which was bloody and dripping. That was wear this pit must have bit her. I was soo relieved, praised God, again too
This tells me two things, one, I found out piddy was trying to protect her property and this dog came on it and she went after the dog that was 40 lbs heavier than she is. My dog is a pitbull and german shorthair mix, she's got a lover's personality, not a fighter.
Anyway, it was all enough for me to tell you all and just give a praise report because when I first saw piddy she looked like she was just about done, the jugular would spew blood soon as I got my mouth on that pit and unclenched its jaws. I give God all credit as you know, I don't think there is any question that God was just trying to show me who was in control.
He did it all, that makes then sense, doesn't it, since He did it all, shouldn't we give everything we have that's of us and inside us to trying to follow His good plan for our life