God gave herbs to man to eat at first. After the flood, he gave animals, just not the blood. Based on what God gave Noah, He gave Noah pork to eat, too. God had Israel not eat pork, but He did not give this law to the nations. In Leviticus 18, a man lying with a man as one does with a woman was among the sins for which God drove out Gentile nations from the land, so apparently this was a sin for Gentiles. And in Acts 15, the apostles and elders perceived that the Spirit would have them write a letter to the Gentiles in which they instructed them to abstain from things strangled and from blood (compare to God's covenant with Noah) from sexual immorality and from meat offered to idols. It seems likely they were pointing out what the Torah taught Gentiles. The Torah indicates it was a sin for Gentiles to engage in homosexual sex. Romans 1 also makes this clear. But it doesn't say they can't eat pork.