My personal schedule has been completely out of whack for the past ten days because I was out of state visiting friends and family. Now that I'm back at home, I don't know what to do! I am sitting around doing nothing, and it bothers me. My work schedule is also kind of bizarre and changes a little bit every week. That compounds the issue. Time to get back to planning.
I am considering volunteering for my church this July and August. I can do work with children although I prefer not to. I can handle administrative things like paperwork and planning. I suppose I could do menial physical labor. If they need a janitor I can do that. If they need someone to do web-related stuff (and holy cows do they ever) I can also do that. The thing that stops me from volunteering is the commitment required. I don't really want to commit to anything.
I fell asleep before midnight last night. The first time I awoke it was around 8:30-9:00. Figuring I'd re-awake in time for church I fell back to sleep. I woke again shortly before 10! Church started at 10:30. I got dressed, grabbed a snack from the store and walked to church. Made it there with plenty of time to spare. I guess I'm well rested. Could still go for some coffee, though.