I have a 14 year old brother, 11, 13, and 9 year old male cousins, and they are starting to believe that they are superior to all females. They started with this argument that men are more emotionally stable (In so many less complex words) and physically stronger. Me and my 9 year old sister started arguing back and then they finally came up with the argument that since Adam was created first and Eve was created for Adam that females are inferior to males. After that, me and my sister couldn't come up with anything so we left the room. I've thought about this before, years ago, and never really had an answer for myself.
Are males superior because of the fact that Adam was created first? And...
If males are superior, what does that really mean for females?
When God made Eve did Adam say, "I was made before you, and I am the best. I am superior to you." I don't think so. He seems to have been pleased and he accepted her as bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. The church is the bride of Christ. Did the Lord Jesus tell the church He was superior to her? In this case, we can agree that He is superior. But He made Himself a servant.
God assigned men and women in different roles. If by 'superior' you mean authority or rank, in some relationships, men hold the superior rank. In the military, the commanding officer is a superior officer to his subordinants. But it doesn't mean one is of more intrinsic value than another. The husband is the head of the wife and the wife is to submit to her husband. But the Bible does not teach that this is because men are superior in terms of value.
There may be some male traits which are superior than the average female's. Physical strength comes to mind. Maybe men are more level headed in some ways, and that could be connected in some way with God giving the husband the leadership role. But if that is the case, I doubt your young cousins have fully developed all of these traits at their age, especially with the way they are talking. A lot of 11-year-old girls can still squash an 11-year-old boy. It does seem like girls mature faster until they reach a certain age and it levels out.
God has also blessed women with certain traits that men aren't as strong in either. Who would you rather nurse you to health, a man or a woman? Women seem to have a kind of patience and empathy that men can have, but it doesn't seem as natural. Women certainly have an advantage at being able to bear children and feed little babies naturally.
The Bible talks about some people being great in the kingdom of heaven. It doesn't say the men are greater than the women. Whoever wants to be the greatest among you shall be the servant of all. If a wife embraces her role as a wife, loves her husband, loves her children, cares for her home, submits to her husband, and really serves God with all her being, do you think God would see her as inferior to a selfish husband who likes to brag about being superior? When the day comes for the Lord to reward faithful servants, I believe some women will receive greater rewards than some of the men. Some former slaves will be more highly honored than their masters. Whatever God has created you as, in whatever role, gender, or status, do all to the glory of God. If you are a woman, be a godly woman, love God and follow His word. Men should be godly men, love God, and follow His word.