[SIZE=+3]My testimony is on the occult.
Growing up I rebelled against everything - your average teenage rebel I guess.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]My first wife and I had an unusual neighbor........ a witch. I really didn't know much about witches. Hollywood movies had conditioned me to think witches were ugly old hags with warts & lived in run down creaky houses. BUT this witch was nice looking and acted sort of normal. Slowly we began sharing drugs & she began witnessing to my wife & I about the world of witchcraft. (There are people on fire for the devil you know)
[SIZE=+1]We would do little spells like light candles & incense while chanting & then pray to the moon for luck & good fortune - sort of small fun things to do while "high" on drugs. I admit it was fun. It was exciting- like a child's first visit to a carnival with all the music & bright lights.
[SIZE=+1]Looking back I see that this was the beautiful side to evil - a kind of kindergarten of deception.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]We continued doing spells & incantations according to the witches almanac. Our grandest night of festivities was Halloween.
[SIZE=+1]We were fascinated by the devil and his mysteriousness. There was a strong attraction to this darkness. I decided to take the plunge one night & be baptized into the occult world. It was storming and lightning real bad - I ceremoniously got all my magical stuff together & lit a candle... lighting my candle I began chanting the lord's prayer backward while imagining chains & shackles were being removed from my arms & feet.
[SIZE=+2]From that point on I really became engrossed in witchcraft.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]My neighbor's witnessing had payed off. My first book I bought was called "The Black Arts".[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]It was a book of dark sentences & dark spells.
[SIZE=+1]Witchcraft is an art and it has to be practiced daily... so I made our spare bedroom into a "magical room" where we cast spells.
[SIZE=+2]I want to pause and define witchcraft.
[SIZE=+1]So many say witches aren't real. They are make believe - like Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse - a lot believe witchcraft is still about the middle ages, when it was rampant.
[SIZE=+1]Witches are real & witchcraft is real. God says so.. all through the bible (beginning in Deut. 18) [/SIZE][SIZE=+2]witchcraft is condemned.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] God calls it an abomination. Why would God say this in the bible if it was not true?? In fact God says 'thou shall not suffer a witch to live". Those are strong words. Why would God say these things if witches were just imaginary? After you have finished reading my testimony you will understand why God CONDEMNS witchcraft.
[SIZE=+1]So what is witchcraft?? The dictionary defines witchcraft as a magical irresistible influence over someone or something.Witchcraft is the art of controlling other people, events, & circumstances.
Witchcraft has many forms:The form my x-wife and I used was a tool for controlling spirits to do our bidding; In our coven meetings we burned herbs & incense while chanting rhytmatic incantations. This combination of drugs, burning herbs, & incense & the rhythm of incantations were used to produce an altered state of consciousness where an interface with extrademsional forms (or demons) would occur. We used drugs to alter our consciousness to another reality.
[SIZE=+1]The word drug is slang from the English word Pharmacy, which is taken from the Greek word, "Pharmakea". This same word is used in[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] Revelations 18th chapter, verse 23. "By thy SORCERIES were all nations deceived"
Sorcery is interpreted from that Greek word "Pharmakeea". By the use of drugs were all nations deceived. That's really obvious to see nowadays. The revelation of Jesus Christ is as plain as our TV News and newspapers. Drugs are destroying our world.
[SIZE=+1]There are many forms of witchcraft besides the kind I was using. In Paul's letter to the Galatians he asked them: O foolish Galatians, who hath "betwitched" you, that you should not obey the truth. False teachers were using their influence to make the Galatians believe they needed to keep the laws of Moses with Jesus as a means of salvation. They were trying to manipulate them into believing a lie. This is witchcraft. "A magical, irresistable influence over someone or something". The art or craft of trying to control other people or events to be outside of the will of God.
[SIZE=+1]Another form of witchcraft I expose that really gets me in trouble is the medium of T.V. & the movies: If you're high on drugs your mind is susceptible to anything, especially if your in your adolescent or formative years. If you get high on drugs every night (as I did) & you watch & absorb all that hellish ungodly life-styles coming out of Hollywood - night after night after night - what are you feeding your spirit? What are you putting into your mind and spirit? You could say like Paul said: O foolish Americans, who hath bewitched you, that you should believe all that worldly, fleshly knowledge.
[SIZE=+1]Paul warned, [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]BEWARE[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] least you are spoiled by vain philosophies.
[SIZE=+1]TV is perhaps the largest medium, and most widespread use of sorcery in existence today. The images and imaginations that it projects into people's minds are shaping and molding many people into Hollywood's own image. Sadly, many are receiving this image. It is to many people and irresistible, magical force used to manipulate people and events.
There is a lot of good that could come from T.V.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]Do you know people who are ruled by superstitions?? Like people who are afraid to walk under a ladder for fear of bad luck - superstition rules theirs lives. I know some who are terrified when these things happen...
[SIZE=+1]My life of witchcraft was that way, only to an EXTREME.
[SIZE=+1]The bible says in [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]Phillipians 2 verse 5 "Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus",[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] But can you imagine, "Let this mind be in you which is in Satan"-- It's a terrible reality to be alive in the grip of the snake.
[SIZE=+2]Consider[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] if you can, these words to be as meaningful as the words of the bible. In my present state of mind this sounds really stupid. But back then it was GOSPEL to me. These verses & the witches almanac made a whole lot of sense to a mind filled with Satan's imaginations & superstitions & fears. [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]Satan uses peoples imaginations & superstitions to control them. Now I know why Paul says in [/SIZE]Corinthians 10 v 5: [SIZE=+1]CAST DOWN EVERY IMAGINATION THAT EXALTS ITSELF AGAINST THE WORD OF GOD & BRING INTO CAPTIVITY EVERY THOUGHT TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST...[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]When I remarried in 1980 the first 6 years of marriage I still had "PSYCHIC ATTACKS". I still had no rest. Having two children help me settle down some. But I eventually went to see a psychologist - but that was like washing my foot with my sock on. It just didn't work. It was sort of like taking all my sins out of one bag & putting them in a brand new one & shifting the weight. It seemed "different" but the burden of sins was still there. [/SIZE][SIZE=+2]Only Jesus can take away your sins.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
A friend at work began to witness to me about Jesus. [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]My peace to come began one day when my daughter was invited to vacation bible school.
[SIZE=+1]She came home asking questions like [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"what does it mean to be born again?"[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] It got me to thinking. When they asked me to visit her class, I went to see what made her so excited. Next thing I know the preacher came out & witnessed to me. (Twice). He saved me.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
So with my mouth I confessed Jesus & renounced the devil that I had been living for.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+4]Nobody meets Jesus without changing.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
My life took on a new meaning from that day. I now had something to live for.
[SIZE=+1]I became a living testimony of how Jesus can change a heart. I'm just like one of those 1st Century Christians Paul talked about in 1st Corinthians Chapter 6 - Paul said these couldn't inherit the kingdom of God: Fornicators, Idolators, adulators, thieves, extortioners, & revilers:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Some ask me what it's like being born again. The only description I can even begin to crudely describe is like having lived in a deep dark cave, where the walls of the cave are sublit by reflected gray light and the floor was nothing but mud and slime. Then one day you begin making your way up the cave until one day you stumble outside onto a green mountainside, in the springtime, with blue skies & white clouds, a bubbling blue creek & yellow daises. You've gone from gray & black to [/SIZE][SIZE=+3]l[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]i[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]v[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]i[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]n[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]g[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]c[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]o[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]l[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]o[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]r[/SIZE][SIZE=+3].
[HR][/HR][SIZE=+1]It would be nice to end my testimony here & say from this point my life was just fine and no more problems, but the reality of life is that Jesus began to open my eyes to the scriptures.
[SIZE=+1]The Lord wanted me to warn others of witchcraft & the occult,
[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]SO here's my testimony of what I've seen and heard.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]During the Halloween season, when my kids began to bring home witches, ghosts & goblins, that they had colored in school, as they always had before - I became very angry (it had never really bothered me before my conversion) ... all sorts of memories would flash through my mind about how I had been seduced into the occult world through this celebration of death.
Those who think Satan is not smart, should think again. Hiding behind children is a great weapon. Children only understand candy & fun, not evil posing as good.
You know somebody has to be lying. Either Halloween is fun and games and witches are nice people, like my neighbor was, & God is a liar... or else.
[SIZE=+1]Halloween used to be bobbing for apples, fun parties, etc., yet even this lighter side, this kindergarten of Halloween is eerie, when you consider for a minute, that on this night when children are gathering candy & having fun - This night witches & satanic covens all over the world are cursing God, blaspheming Jesus, eating raw human flesh, performing all kinds of twisted, perverted, unholy acts.
[SIZE=+4]Beyond any stretch of the imagination, this night is a celebration of DARKNESS.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[/SIZE][SIZE=+4]..the spiritual world that can & will result in emotional & spiritual turmoil for many children. I know it did me. Years of anguish & needless suffering.
[SIZE=+1]I've never understood why signs & symbols that are directly connected to the occult, to evil, are allowed to be accepted as normal. I know many parents (myself included) would object strongly to swastikas or even cartoon dolls of Hitler or Stalin being hung & plastered all over the walls. Why? - because these things form an association to evil.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]There is a revival of the occult going on in this country. The evil darkness of old times (as in the days of Noah - which was not all eating and drinking, but lots of sorcery)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]The book of Daniel says in Chapter 8 verse 25 [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"And he shall cause his CRAFT to prosper".[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]...
This craft he speaks of is not ceramics, or porcelain painting or even politics: but witchcraft, horoscopes, psychic activity & occult knowledge.
[SIZE=+1]A craft that will influence (more than politics) every walk, every aspect of life.
[SIZE=+1]Currently there are some 100 American Universities which offer courses in witchcraft. J.F. Kennedy University offers an accredited Masters Degree in Parapsychology (study of the occult) as well as a "psychic" training program. 300 Universities (75% State Approved) now offer courses directly involved in the New Age movement.
The New Age movement is a religious, spiritual movement that is converting occult knowledge into spiritual, psychological & scientific terminology for the masses.
The new psychology that is being widely accepted is inundated with occult knowledge.
The practices of "Guided Imagery", "Creative Visualization", " Active Imagination", all sound real scientific - but these practices, until 10 years or so ago could only be found in eastern religious books or books of magic.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]Modern psychology is full of occult knowledge. It was put there by the founder & Father of modern psychology; Carl Jung; He was a well known psychologist who openly practiced meditation, conducted seances & practiced a lot of the Black Arts. His occult writings & theories are being widely accepted today as normal hidden powers of the mind. Even though his acquired knowledge came from spirit guides.
[SIZE=+1]His biography, by Janet Dallet, revealed that he at times could not even distinguish what was real from what was not. (sounds familiar) Yet his writings are being accepted as revelation in the world of psychology.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]So Carl Jung, the founder of modern psychology, has taken occult knowledge & psychologized it.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]so they say...sure Jesus is OK but you need something more practical, more down to earth (psychology). That's sort of what the Galatians were being bewitched with. The bewitching of the Americans is the new emphasis on self-help groups; psychotherapy counseling; therapy of all kinds; a shifting away from the cross, away from self-denial, away from repentance & forgiveness of sins.
The bible is to them foolishness. But Paul says in Corinthians that God has chosen the foolishness of preaching:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]1Cor. 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]Witchcraft is also popping up in many churches today. I realize this is hard to believe. This is also something I have tried to dismiss. But the lord wouldn't let me.
But when you stand behind the pulpit & tell people all they have to do is visualize in their mind they can have anything or anyone they want, & believe it hard enough, or just speak the words from your mouth believing real hard, then you will somehow engage divine laws or a divine force, that will heal, produce wealth, or bring success; "this is witchcraft"............[/SIZE][SIZE=+2]
[SIZE=+1]If you know someone involved in witchcraft or occult activities,do not get involved with them but pray & pray hard for them. God listens to you mothers & grandmothers, fathers & grandfathers, friends & neighbors.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]The most powerful force against the occult is the gospel of Jesus Christ.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]For it is the power of God unto salvation.[/SIZE]
Growing up I rebelled against everything - your average teenage rebel I guess.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]My first wife and I had an unusual neighbor........ a witch. I really didn't know much about witches. Hollywood movies had conditioned me to think witches were ugly old hags with warts & lived in run down creaky houses. BUT this witch was nice looking and acted sort of normal. Slowly we began sharing drugs & she began witnessing to my wife & I about the world of witchcraft. (There are people on fire for the devil you know)
[SIZE=+1]We would do little spells like light candles & incense while chanting & then pray to the moon for luck & good fortune - sort of small fun things to do while "high" on drugs. I admit it was fun. It was exciting- like a child's first visit to a carnival with all the music & bright lights.
[SIZE=+1]Looking back I see that this was the beautiful side to evil - a kind of kindergarten of deception.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]We continued doing spells & incantations according to the witches almanac. Our grandest night of festivities was Halloween.
[SIZE=+1]We were fascinated by the devil and his mysteriousness. There was a strong attraction to this darkness. I decided to take the plunge one night & be baptized into the occult world. It was storming and lightning real bad - I ceremoniously got all my magical stuff together & lit a candle... lighting my candle I began chanting the lord's prayer backward while imagining chains & shackles were being removed from my arms & feet.
[SIZE=+2]From that point on I really became engrossed in witchcraft.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]My neighbor's witnessing had payed off. My first book I bought was called "The Black Arts".[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]It was a book of dark sentences & dark spells.
[SIZE=+1]Witchcraft is an art and it has to be practiced daily... so I made our spare bedroom into a "magical room" where we cast spells.
[SIZE=+2]I want to pause and define witchcraft.
[SIZE=+1]So many say witches aren't real. They are make believe - like Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse - a lot believe witchcraft is still about the middle ages, when it was rampant.
[SIZE=+1]Witches are real & witchcraft is real. God says so.. all through the bible (beginning in Deut. 18) [/SIZE][SIZE=+2]witchcraft is condemned.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] God calls it an abomination. Why would God say this in the bible if it was not true?? In fact God says 'thou shall not suffer a witch to live". Those are strong words. Why would God say these things if witches were just imaginary? After you have finished reading my testimony you will understand why God CONDEMNS witchcraft.
[SIZE=+1]So what is witchcraft?? The dictionary defines witchcraft as a magical irresistible influence over someone or something.Witchcraft is the art of controlling other people, events, & circumstances.
Witchcraft has many forms:The form my x-wife and I used was a tool for controlling spirits to do our bidding; In our coven meetings we burned herbs & incense while chanting rhytmatic incantations. This combination of drugs, burning herbs, & incense & the rhythm of incantations were used to produce an altered state of consciousness where an interface with extrademsional forms (or demons) would occur. We used drugs to alter our consciousness to another reality.
[SIZE=+1]The word drug is slang from the English word Pharmacy, which is taken from the Greek word, "Pharmakea". This same word is used in[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] Revelations 18th chapter, verse 23. "By thy SORCERIES were all nations deceived"
Sorcery is interpreted from that Greek word "Pharmakeea". By the use of drugs were all nations deceived. That's really obvious to see nowadays. The revelation of Jesus Christ is as plain as our TV News and newspapers. Drugs are destroying our world.
[SIZE=+1]There are many forms of witchcraft besides the kind I was using. In Paul's letter to the Galatians he asked them: O foolish Galatians, who hath "betwitched" you, that you should not obey the truth. False teachers were using their influence to make the Galatians believe they needed to keep the laws of Moses with Jesus as a means of salvation. They were trying to manipulate them into believing a lie. This is witchcraft. "A magical, irresistable influence over someone or something". The art or craft of trying to control other people or events to be outside of the will of God.
[SIZE=+1]Another form of witchcraft I expose that really gets me in trouble is the medium of T.V. & the movies: If you're high on drugs your mind is susceptible to anything, especially if your in your adolescent or formative years. If you get high on drugs every night (as I did) & you watch & absorb all that hellish ungodly life-styles coming out of Hollywood - night after night after night - what are you feeding your spirit? What are you putting into your mind and spirit? You could say like Paul said: O foolish Americans, who hath bewitched you, that you should believe all that worldly, fleshly knowledge.
[SIZE=+1]Paul warned, [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]BEWARE[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] least you are spoiled by vain philosophies.
[SIZE=+1]TV is perhaps the largest medium, and most widespread use of sorcery in existence today. The images and imaginations that it projects into people's minds are shaping and molding many people into Hollywood's own image. Sadly, many are receiving this image. It is to many people and irresistible, magical force used to manipulate people and events.
There is a lot of good that could come from T.V.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]Do you know people who are ruled by superstitions?? Like people who are afraid to walk under a ladder for fear of bad luck - superstition rules theirs lives. I know some who are terrified when these things happen...
[SIZE=+1]My life of witchcraft was that way, only to an EXTREME.
[SIZE=+1]The bible says in [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]Phillipians 2 verse 5 "Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus",[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] But can you imagine, "Let this mind be in you which is in Satan"-- It's a terrible reality to be alive in the grip of the snake.
[SIZE=+2]Consider[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] if you can, these words to be as meaningful as the words of the bible. In my present state of mind this sounds really stupid. But back then it was GOSPEL to me. These verses & the witches almanac made a whole lot of sense to a mind filled with Satan's imaginations & superstitions & fears. [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]Satan uses peoples imaginations & superstitions to control them. Now I know why Paul says in [/SIZE]Corinthians 10 v 5: [SIZE=+1]CAST DOWN EVERY IMAGINATION THAT EXALTS ITSELF AGAINST THE WORD OF GOD & BRING INTO CAPTIVITY EVERY THOUGHT TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST...[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]When I remarried in 1980 the first 6 years of marriage I still had "PSYCHIC ATTACKS". I still had no rest. Having two children help me settle down some. But I eventually went to see a psychologist - but that was like washing my foot with my sock on. It just didn't work. It was sort of like taking all my sins out of one bag & putting them in a brand new one & shifting the weight. It seemed "different" but the burden of sins was still there. [/SIZE][SIZE=+2]Only Jesus can take away your sins.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
A friend at work began to witness to me about Jesus. [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]My peace to come began one day when my daughter was invited to vacation bible school.
[SIZE=+1]She came home asking questions like [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"what does it mean to be born again?"[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] It got me to thinking. When they asked me to visit her class, I went to see what made her so excited. Next thing I know the preacher came out & witnessed to me. (Twice). He saved me.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
So with my mouth I confessed Jesus & renounced the devil that I had been living for.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+4]Nobody meets Jesus without changing.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
My life took on a new meaning from that day. I now had something to live for.
[SIZE=+1]I became a living testimony of how Jesus can change a heart. I'm just like one of those 1st Century Christians Paul talked about in 1st Corinthians Chapter 6 - Paul said these couldn't inherit the kingdom of God: Fornicators, Idolators, adulators, thieves, extortioners, & revilers:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Some ask me what it's like being born again. The only description I can even begin to crudely describe is like having lived in a deep dark cave, where the walls of the cave are sublit by reflected gray light and the floor was nothing but mud and slime. Then one day you begin making your way up the cave until one day you stumble outside onto a green mountainside, in the springtime, with blue skies & white clouds, a bubbling blue creek & yellow daises. You've gone from gray & black to [/SIZE][SIZE=+3]l[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]i[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]v[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]i[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]n[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]g[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]c[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]o[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]l[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]o[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]r[/SIZE][SIZE=+3].
[HR][/HR][SIZE=+1]It would be nice to end my testimony here & say from this point my life was just fine and no more problems, but the reality of life is that Jesus began to open my eyes to the scriptures.
[SIZE=+1]The Lord wanted me to warn others of witchcraft & the occult,
[/SIZE][SIZE=+3]SO here's my testimony of what I've seen and heard.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]During the Halloween season, when my kids began to bring home witches, ghosts & goblins, that they had colored in school, as they always had before - I became very angry (it had never really bothered me before my conversion) ... all sorts of memories would flash through my mind about how I had been seduced into the occult world through this celebration of death.
Those who think Satan is not smart, should think again. Hiding behind children is a great weapon. Children only understand candy & fun, not evil posing as good.
You know somebody has to be lying. Either Halloween is fun and games and witches are nice people, like my neighbor was, & God is a liar... or else.
[SIZE=+1]Halloween used to be bobbing for apples, fun parties, etc., yet even this lighter side, this kindergarten of Halloween is eerie, when you consider for a minute, that on this night when children are gathering candy & having fun - This night witches & satanic covens all over the world are cursing God, blaspheming Jesus, eating raw human flesh, performing all kinds of twisted, perverted, unholy acts.
[SIZE=+4]Beyond any stretch of the imagination, this night is a celebration of DARKNESS.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[/SIZE][SIZE=+4]..the spiritual world that can & will result in emotional & spiritual turmoil for many children. I know it did me. Years of anguish & needless suffering.
[SIZE=+1]I've never understood why signs & symbols that are directly connected to the occult, to evil, are allowed to be accepted as normal. I know many parents (myself included) would object strongly to swastikas or even cartoon dolls of Hitler or Stalin being hung & plastered all over the walls. Why? - because these things form an association to evil.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]There is a revival of the occult going on in this country. The evil darkness of old times (as in the days of Noah - which was not all eating and drinking, but lots of sorcery)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]The book of Daniel says in Chapter 8 verse 25 [/SIZE][SIZE=+1]"And he shall cause his CRAFT to prosper".[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]...
This craft he speaks of is not ceramics, or porcelain painting or even politics: but witchcraft, horoscopes, psychic activity & occult knowledge.
[SIZE=+1]A craft that will influence (more than politics) every walk, every aspect of life.
[SIZE=+1]Currently there are some 100 American Universities which offer courses in witchcraft. J.F. Kennedy University offers an accredited Masters Degree in Parapsychology (study of the occult) as well as a "psychic" training program. 300 Universities (75% State Approved) now offer courses directly involved in the New Age movement.
The New Age movement is a religious, spiritual movement that is converting occult knowledge into spiritual, psychological & scientific terminology for the masses.
The new psychology that is being widely accepted is inundated with occult knowledge.
The practices of "Guided Imagery", "Creative Visualization", " Active Imagination", all sound real scientific - but these practices, until 10 years or so ago could only be found in eastern religious books or books of magic.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]Modern psychology is full of occult knowledge. It was put there by the founder & Father of modern psychology; Carl Jung; He was a well known psychologist who openly practiced meditation, conducted seances & practiced a lot of the Black Arts. His occult writings & theories are being widely accepted today as normal hidden powers of the mind. Even though his acquired knowledge came from spirit guides.
[SIZE=+1]His biography, by Janet Dallet, revealed that he at times could not even distinguish what was real from what was not. (sounds familiar) Yet his writings are being accepted as revelation in the world of psychology.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]So Carl Jung, the founder of modern psychology, has taken occult knowledge & psychologized it.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]so they say...sure Jesus is OK but you need something more practical, more down to earth (psychology). That's sort of what the Galatians were being bewitched with. The bewitching of the Americans is the new emphasis on self-help groups; psychotherapy counseling; therapy of all kinds; a shifting away from the cross, away from self-denial, away from repentance & forgiveness of sins.
The bible is to them foolishness. But Paul says in Corinthians that God has chosen the foolishness of preaching:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]1Cor. 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]
[SIZE=+1]Witchcraft is also popping up in many churches today. I realize this is hard to believe. This is also something I have tried to dismiss. But the lord wouldn't let me.
But when you stand behind the pulpit & tell people all they have to do is visualize in their mind they can have anything or anyone they want, & believe it hard enough, or just speak the words from your mouth believing real hard, then you will somehow engage divine laws or a divine force, that will heal, produce wealth, or bring success; "this is witchcraft"............[/SIZE][SIZE=+2]
[SIZE=+1]If you know someone involved in witchcraft or occult activities,do not get involved with them but pray & pray hard for them. God listens to you mothers & grandmothers, fathers & grandfathers, friends & neighbors.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]The most powerful force against the occult is the gospel of Jesus Christ.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+3]For it is the power of God unto salvation.[/SIZE]