1. The concept of a unified God seemed very clear to the N.T. writers who spent a good deal of time defending and explaining the deity of Jesus.
2. I covered the concept of 'one' in the posts on Linguistic Valance and Triadic functionality. Deut. 6:4, from what Hebrew scholars tell me is that אֶחָֽ does not represent only a numerical value but a unity. Even Strong bears this out.
3. Why do you believe they are separate concepts?
4. Then perhaps we need to spend some time looking at the nature o Jesus.
5. It looks as if you are linking this to a millennialistic concept. It so, it will be pointless to me for I do not agree with any millennial interpretations of scripture.
1. Yes, but it took quite a while to get through to the majority of the new Gentile converts.
2. That was how I meant it. Parts were not specified until the NT.
3. They are separate persons. Mystics report having separate relationships with them. A Scripture can be found with any two of them apparently side-by-side.
4. That's fine. Looking at Jesus is always a good thing.
5. I am not. I'm merely observing that there were two covenants, and they were different. The prophecy of Joel is clearly about the HS, and Acts says that was fulfilled at Pentecost, and since. The two together suggest that we are different with respect to the HS today, and associates it with the New Covenant in Jesus.