Maybe because some of us are single by choice. Maybe because some of us are single because Yahweh has deemed it necessary, regardless of any thirst we might have. Maybe because many of us just come here for uplifting conversation, witty banter, and spiritual reinforcement.
Emily's commentary about people desperate for companionship isn't rooted in the fact that this is the Singles Forum. This is a CHRISTIAN site, first and foremost. We are supposed to live for Yahweh, who we also call Jehovah Jireh - God the Provider! Instead of gripe gripe gripe woe is me I are so lonely, we should be saying WE ARE BLESSED! We are loved and saved by the One True God! And we should be CONTENT in that!
As far as your OWN retort goes, perhaps you might consider re-reading it and asking yourself if that's the kind of thing Christ would say, or even just consider how He might feel about you talking to one of His daughters (if you call yourself a Christian, your own sister!) that way?