1_StillWaters: How many calfskin Bibles do you actually have?
AsIfInPassing: What are you studying in college and what do you plan to do with your degree?
Chainhand: What's the weirdest thing you saw today?
Descyple: How do you fit in elevators with those guns of yours?
DuchessAmie: What would you do if not nursing?
FourLeaf: What did you want to be when you were a kid?
GraceLikeRain: If you could change anything about your life, what would it be?
HarpyEagle: What was your childhood like?
iTOREtheSKY: What was the last dream you remember?
JoyOfLord: What are Christmases like where you live?
KenThomas: If you had 24 hours to do absolutely anything at all, what would you do?
LilChristian: What is your favorite family memory?
Maxwel: How has your life changed in the last five years?
MissCris: What is your hubby like?
NodMyHeadLikeYeah: If you wrote a book of Nodisms, what would you call it?
Popclick: What's the silliest thing you did this week?
SeoulSearch: I have always been curious about your adoptive parents. What are they like?
ServantStrike: If someone gave you $100 and said you had to spend it within half an hour, what would you do with it?
Shouryu: What or who inspired you to become a teacher? What was your fav teacher like?
WiseBeardMan: What is the wisest thing anyone ever told you?
xAlphaOmega: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
YuanYuan: What is a day in your life like?
Zaoman32: What is your fav thing to do with your kids?
More to come....stay tuned