I am okay with some methods of birth control but not others. Hormonal/chemical birth control and sterilization are wrong in my opinion because these methods alter the hormonal/chemical balance of the body and interfere with normal function. According to some research I've read, should the woman conceive, these methods can pose a slight possibility of damage to the growing fetus.
I am against abortion in all cases except for in the event of maternal death and only as a last resort. I saw a handful of people mentioning rape being an okay excuse to have an abortion. I cannot speak for everyone because I don't know everyone's stories and I don't know their hearts but here is my story: Easter 2006, when I was a few months shy of 19 years old, my virginity was stolen from me as I was brutally and repeatedly raped by my then boyfriend - someone I loved and trusted - and some of his friends. I won't get into the gory details but, in late summer, I discovered that I was pregnant and DNA tests proved it was his. I was pressured by friends, family, the SANE nurse, and even my gynecologist to get an abortion. I didn't feel like it was right because it's not like the baby asked to be born through something so traumatic.
Back then, I was skeptical about God but looking back, as cruel as it sounds, I know it was part of His plan for me. I knew that as a young woman with no job and severe emotional instability I could not care for a child the way the child deserved so I sought out a couple wishing to adopt. I found a lovely couple who lived not far from me. They are a Christian couple who are unable to have children of their own and had been praying to be blessed with a child so I couldn't have come at a better time for them. After going through the proper legal channels, my daughter was legally adopted (open adoption) and they were able to take her home from the hospital a few days after she was born.
Fast forward seven years. Isabelle is a bright, happy little girl with a younger adopted sister named Skye. Isabelle loves to read, cook, sing, and play outside. She enjoys science and math and is enrolled in her school's program for academically gifted students. She loves God and is a member of her church's Cherub Choir. I couldn't be more proud of her and I don't regret my decision at all. How could I look at abortion the way pro-choice supporters do when I see what that little squirming fetus inside of me became? Through all the pain I experienced, something beautiful was created and I am a better and stronger person for it. I know that I can use my experience to help other girls and women who have gone through the horror of rape and I can use that position to be a witness.
That's my story. Everyone's is different in one way or another and no two are exactly the same. I won't force anyone to subscribe to my beliefs but I strongly encourage young women to really consider what they are doing before they terminate a budding life.