Ok Brothers and sisters let us hit this right in the heart! To the flesh, sex is a very important need!! The pressures of the day,build in our flesh,and sex itself has always been a great release.The problem though is that it is only a release for a short time!
Before the Lord came into my life I worshiped it!! I would have it no less then 3 times a day, I loved it that much! Now why! Because I think most of you really wish to know the truth about this subject! The mind of us all has great needs,it stores much inside that little head of ours,and when the mind gets full,which can happen most more frequent then even we can imagine,sex is the release of tension,and has how, be it for a short time satisfaction! The idea of having sex so much is to both learn from it,and become very good at it,not just for you but your partner as well!
In fact sex is so important to the flesh that even most believers live together with there mate before marriage even becomes a thought! You want to play house first,before you become the house!! hehe Some believe sex is no big deal,I sure do not believe that! And after 30 days of daily having it, you and your partner get into sink and the bedroom now become a wonderful playground of both satisfaction and pride!
Each looks, to out do the other,at least this should be the goal! It was for me.Now for the bad news. The problem is not in having it,the problem lies in the consequences after having it! Before Jesus I measured the time we both had away from the bedroom,many fights and arguments,some of them, an excuse just to makeup and go into the playroom,but some last. And the ones that last take there toll on both parties! The few hours you have in the playroom does not make up for the misery apart from the playroom.
And now the time you used to look to spend in the playroom the mind knows after this has been finished,you both go right back to where you started before the playroom. Then sexual performance goes down,because now your mind is thinking upon more of the after then on the during.
And soon the fun you used to have in the bedroom does not seem as much fun as it did before. Does not matter who's fault it is either! The point is you both are now where you started before you met each other,even with each other! Hence the worlds love!
After Jesus came into my life, for some time i still had sex,i really did not know the Lord would care myself! One day a brother in the church showed me something,to help me,he did not judge me! Look close at this please.( 1 cor 6:17!!!!) then read verses 18-20! Every time I was having sex outside of marriage I was joining the Lord in it!!Oh dear!! So i wondered why even becoming a believer I was still having so much trouble in both my mind and body! Because brothers and sisters i was still thinking like the world does!
It took STRONG!!!! Discipline for me brothers and sisters!! Now I have to stop what I was so good at! I spent thousands of dollars to be able to preform like some sex star,and now I have to quit!! But Lord!! It really is all I am good at!! As I sat in my prayer closet crying, and yes I did cry at this point in my life,because my love for this was so great,Holy Spirit said so softly " COME!! I will will you a fisher of men!" I will heal your mind and heart,i will make you new again if you will just follow after me at all times!( 1 cor 9:23-27!!!)
Lord no one told me the cost to follow!! They told me believing you was free!! Now i find out that believing is also doing??Not just hearing??( james 1:22) I am going to need a lot of help then Lord!! And then brothers and sister through much pain and suffering,Jesus began to complete me in him,he still has some work to do i admit!! hehe But I understand what a believer truly is,and how we in Christ Jesus can follow him!
We HAVE TO depend upon him in every area of our life!( proverbs 3:6) In all of your ways acknowledge him( meaning be aware of Jesus with you at all times!!) in thought,word and deed! By doing this!! he will will our paths straight!! And never ever believe you are wise in your own eyes!verse 7 The fear of the Lord is not a fear, but rather a great and wonderful LOVE of our Jesus!! At least that is what it turns to as we become faithful in the little things!( luke 16:10) It is not easy being us brothers and sisters i know this!But in Christ Jesus it does become VERY!! rewarding!! Hope this has helped many of you!! Blessing all!