"..do you agree that sex is a need?" According to Maslow’s hierarchical pyramid, sex is a physiological need just as food is a need."
Well first it makes sense to define words and ideas. Maslow is just a psychologist giving his views on psychological matter, in this regard it concerns how humans think and behave in relation to sex. The question was not about psychologists and so is not relevant to the question itself. The question was not whether psychology is evolutionary or secularly based either. The likelihood is if persons do not understand subject matter including psychology they will deviate from the central theme.
What is sex and what does it mean for the individual or the functioning of society, is possibly a better framing of the question. Well, biblically speaking, the two flesh are to become one and for this reason he leaves his main family and makes another one with his wife, speaking as a man of course. Different people will likely share dissimilar views on sexual activity, depending upon Christians whether they are married, single, living together but unmarried, or other. Well, Christian married couples in the church enjoy sex. If a long-term adult has remained celibate the likelihood is that he or she has found other ways to stop them thinking about sex, such as employment or in general just keeping busy. Unmarried Christians living together, single Christians, and those Christians dating generally, participating in sex may rationalise it by saying God understands that we're human so it's ok. The problem is the world outside the church has no such moral rules and will engage in sex albeit with babies or sexual disease as the consequence. So yes sex to some extent is a physical need in terms of being like everyone else, ie sociologically and psychologically. The bible indicates it is such too although indirectly..
The biological theme in contrast is that life without sex may be viewed by others as a life not worth living. Some may say we're programmed for sex, or are we socially engineered that way? It would help explain why young people quickly abandon their virginity easily, notwithstanding pressure from peers or the person they are 'dating.'
Sex on the other hand is the most intimate way a person can be close to another human being. It is more likely to be that making love is a benefit to all persons as those exeriencing it makes him or her feel good, and gives some quality to the dulldrums of life. Alternately, were it not for sex the earth would be empty of humans and animals. Respondents please don't deviate to animals having sex as that was not the question! On the other hand, we can defer sex for as long as we desire given of course there is such strengths to abstain.
"If sex is in fact a need, then this explains why it is important for couples to get married and start a family.
However, what about single Christians who are not married, how do you suggest they control this need so that they would not sin against God?"
If life were so simple it would be a very easy solution. This is not the case. There are the informal rules, ie human desire and attraction which play their part too. The more attractive the person is in all probability he or she will have 'dating' or marriage capital. In simple terms dating capital etc means they are either eligible in terms of appearance or other attributes, may be they have a good job. Nevertheless the more stronger a person is the more they will adapt to being single, whereas others who find it difficult living alone are likely to become depressed or avoid church. It is very difficult to conclude this statement with a view one way or the other. It is very easy to say have more faith...this will not help hurting people. We could therefore say is the church too superficial and needs to change?