The following is scratching the surface of the Missouri Synod of the Lutherans.
It is not intended to be conclusive in any manner, but it is informative. Just a bit more research should determine the practice.
The Missouri Synod is also conservative in its worship practices. The LCMS endorses the doctrine of close or
closed communion – the policy of sharing the Lord's Supper only with Christians who believe that everything it teaches about the Christian faith is true. There is a variety of ways in which Missouri Synod congregations put close communion into practice, most often asking visitors to speak with the Pastor before coming to that congregation's altar for the first time.
Closed communion
is the practice of restricting the serving of the elements of communion (also called
Eucharist, The Lord's Supper) to those who are members of a particular church, denomination, sect, or congregation. Though the meaning of the term varies slightly in different
Christian theological traditions, it generally means a church or denomination limits participation either to members of their own church, members of their own denomination, or members of some specific class (e.g., baptized members of evangelical churches). See also intercommunion.
It is not my desire to prove or disprove, but to direct others to research for themselves.
It is my prayerful and much considered determination that any denomination claiming to teach from the Word yet needs to distinguish itself from others have proven their own apostasy by naming themselves and purporting the belief that they are the exclusiv body to determine what scripture is and how it should be interpreted.
They are worse than the Pharisees our Savior dealt with in the Holy Scriptures.
Read the Word in faith and believe Yeshua. He is Lord, amen