I'm tired, exhausted really. My husband has found new ways of abusing that I never knew existed. I'm pregnant, he demanded I keep it but won't acknowledge that I am. He took every penny I had, I have no way to eat or buy gas. He's bankrupted my parents even. Even with a court order for no contact he finds ways to be verbally and emotionally abusive through friends and family or threatens them and me. I am afraid of him, but if I tell the judge that things just get worse. I am afraid to be without, because I am unable to care for myself. I am afraid to be alone even, because the things he says eat away at my mind. And yes, I am in counseling, but the whole once a week thing doesn't exactly help in the middle or aftermath of an issue. It has gotten so bad that even my family won't talk to me because of what he's said or done. He has even gotten his friends to post on social media to have everyone we both know ignore me and isolate me more. I am scared and feel so alone.
Verbal/emotional abuse can sometimes be worse then physical abuse, because with verbal/emotional abuse the hurt and pain does not heal as fast as it does with physical abuse, it stays there in your head and it eats at you and it keeps hurting you, even years later it could still have an effect on you. you need to find the courage and strength to get away from him and everything that is associated with him. you said your family wont talk to you but im sure if you really left your relationship that would change.
you need to ask your family for forgiveness for what ever it is that he put them through and make a promise (and keep that promise) to never give him an opportunity to do or say whatever it is he did or said.
you say he got his friends to ignore you and isolate you, well good you don't need to see anything he or his friends are posting. you have to cut it all out of your life. as a matter of fact you should give yourself some time away from social media right now you don't want any chance to see or hear anything about him.
I know breaking away from someone who is hurting you is easier said then done when your in love, but I also know it can be done cause I did it. you might doubt that u will have the strength to do it but you know where you get your strength from? you get it from that little baby growing inside of you. Do you want your son doing that to somebody? No of course not cause he will end up alone and as a mommy you got to teach your son how to be a GOOD man and how to treat people. Would you want your daughter to allow some man to treat her the way your man is treating you? No of course not because you know she deserves better then that. Either way whether you have a boy or girl if you stay in a relationship like the one your in your child will grow up thinking that kind of behavior is acceptable and that is how you treat someone you love.
So let that be your strength, if you cant do it for yourself then do it for that unborn child inside of you.
and just so you know it is normal to miss someone and it is normal to cry and be sad when you leave someone you love so allow that to happen and allow God to start the healing process.
I wish you the best of luck.