It has been fulfilled.
No it has not, Starfield.
That passage in Micah 4:1-5 has NOT been fulfilled yet.
But it will be in the Millennial Kingdom.
The Millennial Kingdom will usher in true world wide peace where the nations will no longer learn war. I encourage you Starfield to take what the Bible says literally.
LOL. Where exactly do you see a future 1000-year earthly reign in Psalm 72? You’re reading into scripture what isn’t there.
It is quite obvious Starfield for those who have eyes to see.
7 In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth.
8 He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.
9 They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust.
10 The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents: the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts.
11 Yea, all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him.
12 For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper.
13 He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy.
14 He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in his sight.
15 And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised.
16 There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon: and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth.
17 His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed. - Psalm 72:7-17 (King James Bible)
Let me ask you two questions starfield:
Is there an abundance of peace on the earth right now?
And are all Nations serving the Lord Jesus Christ right now?
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