Wow this must be tough for you and your family. My heart goes out to you and I will pray that you receive wisdom and understanding as to what the Lord would have you do.
After reading the many posts and verses used to support statements made... I'm confused too.
As a believer, I can't help but think about 3 areas that tithing really helps me:
1.) Personal Faith - I reinforce it by putting trust in the Lord to provide a way even though I cannot see one.
2.) Growth in the Body of Christ - The gentleman above me put "To tithe after the Word of God states that the ordinances were abolished is tantamount to calling the Word of God a lie and slapping Jesus Christ in the face." Perhaps he is right, It sounds like he knows the Bible much better than me. Without tithes, how would we have Churches? How would we help others in need? How would Missions exist to spread the great news? Albeit, some churches are probably more lavish than necessary, and some pastors probably earn more than they should. If everyone stopped tithing, where would the desolate, the lost, the forsaken, the hurt and needy come to find refuge? You may say "The Church isn't a building, and neither is the Body of Christ... it is people." I agree. However the churches and structures provide organization. I believe that organization helps deliver the message and uphold values. I yields a finite place and location where sinners like myself can go and worship God with others who also are seeking the Lord. I tithe to support that message and those actions.
3.) Choosing which god to follow - I personally have served money like a god for many years. I made loads of it, and always wanted more. I didn't tithe then. I based my decisions around my financial plan. Money was as much a part of my family in any decision made as was my wife (who also is no more, by the way). I don't ever want to serve money again. It is always a 'check up' every Sunday. Call it an act of submission.
Minimart, those are my personal reasons, however I think that if you and your wife both spend time in prayer and communication with God together... the Holy Spirit will lead you in the direction he desires for you and yours.
God Bless
Wow this must be tough for you and your family. My heart goes out to you and I will pray that you receive wisdom and understanding as to what the Lord would have you do.
After reading the many posts and verses used to support statements made... I'm confused too.
As a believer, I can't help but think about 3 areas that tithing really helps me:
1.) Personal Faith - I reinforce it by putting trust in the Lord to provide a way even though I cannot see one.
2.) Growth in the Body of Christ - The gentleman above me put "To tithe after the Word of God states that the ordinances were abolished is tantamount to calling the Word of God a lie and slapping Jesus Christ in the face." Perhaps he is right, It sounds like he knows the Bible much better than me. Without tithes, how would we have Churches? How would we help others in need? How would Missions exist to spread the great news? Albeit, some churches are probably more lavish than necessary, and some pastors probably earn more than they should. If everyone stopped tithing, where would the desolate, the lost, the forsaken, the hurt and needy come to find refuge? You may say "The Church isn't a building, and neither is the Body of Christ... it is people." I agree. However the churches and structures provide organization. I believe that organization helps deliver the message and uphold values. I yields a finite place and location where sinners like myself can go and worship God with others who also are seeking the Lord. I tithe to support that message and those actions.
3.) Choosing which god to follow - I personally have served money like a god for many years. I made loads of it, and always wanted more. I didn't tithe then. I based my decisions around my financial plan. Money was as much a part of my family in any decision made as was my wife (who also is no more, by the way). I don't ever want to serve money again. It is always a 'check up' every Sunday. Call it an act of submission.
Minimart, those are my personal reasons, however I think that if you and your wife both spend time in prayer and communication with God together... the Holy Spirit will lead you in the direction he desires for you and yours.
God Bless
ask yourself this question, is God more pleased with money given because a pastor took a command written in the Mosaic/Levitic Law (Lev. 27:30-33; Deut. 14:22-29; Mal. 3:8-19) and told his congregation they were commanded to obey that Law? Or is He more pleased with the one who chooses of his own volition, out of his love for God and the things of God?
before you answer that, consider the Apostle Paul's rebuke ginen to the saints at Galatia (Gal. 3:1-10) Paul said they were foolish for having submitted to the Law. He stated that those who submit to the Law must keep all the Law.
Is your pastor telling you to eat your tithes with your family as the Law commanded? Is he telling that every third year you are to keep your tithe so you can feed the less fortunate as the Law commanded? Are you giving the tithe to the Levite as God commanded in the Law?
James 2:10 (KJV) 10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one [point], he is guilty of all.
it is obvious that many pastors use the Law deceitfully, taking what is written therein and wresting it to form a man-made Law that the Word of God never endorses.
Matthew 15:9 (KJV) 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men.
don't fall into false doctrine. Study the Word. You will find that we are not commanded to tithe. Israel was.