Hi. I'm 26 my husband is 23 we've been married for 2 1/2 years now. We both started off doing drugs arguing domestic violence. Ect. I finally got saved and God mad a total 360 on me. I fell in love with God. Started gaining blessings found a church home all while my husband was incarcerated. I've been there for him through thick and thin. Vice versa. He eventually got saved, turned his life around and our marriage was beautiful for about a week. He started doing things he said he didn't want to do anymore. As well as leaving me for days in the house without calling me to check up on me and my children who continuously witness him leaving. A part of me wants to divorce and another part just believes that he is under spiritual attack. I haven't heard from him in almost a week I'm tired of feeling mistreated when he walks out like he has no wife and kids. But another part of me is wanting to wait until he comes home to fix this marriage. I believe God wants to fix it. I really don't know what to think or do at this point. I'm just tired of not feeling like a wife and having my kids in the middle also hurting because of his decisions. Help!!!! Advice please!!