And, all I have to add on this is 'amundo.'
SwingmealongLord: The trinity is illogical....
Is it? Yes, it is, YOU are right, milady
Awwww, but, keep reading because believing in Christ as our Saviour, as our leader in our lives, as His Spirit interacts (dwells) with ours......
The best way to put things before I go on: The trinity is the illogical (unsaid in Scripture by exact word) Truth . Scripture speaks of a trinity , a triune power of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, all One, working together, of each other, helping, advocating, friending, etc., 'helps' to man in life.
So, swingingwithmyLord, you say this, 'The trinity is illogical.'
And, wouldn't one go to say that having faith in an 'invisible God' is illogical.
Logic is not about believing in God, that is, from a tangible presence standpoint, it takes more than tangible belief in God.
Right? How can one believe by SEEING Him face-to-face when no one has seen Him face to face, in fact, no one can see God face to face in this present life. His glory is too brilliant.
So, seeing Him? Yeah, ILLOGICAL to think ANYONE on EArth has the priviledge to see God when Scripture says that NO MAN CAN see Him.
So, these are your words, swingmealongLord and am I wrong to think that when you talk about the trinity making people feel not close to God, then, you are saying this because someone cannot see Jesus, God, nor the Holy Spirit EVER in physical form?
Originally posted by SwingmealongLord:
The Trinity doctrine is an illogical, non-Bible based teaching. Many are confused by this falsehood...and as a result do not feel close to God; or feel real love or real connection to/ for God because this erroneous teaching
So, what about this verse that says we are supposed to belief in God by faith, in the 'unseen' things of God BY FAITH ???
how does this verse fit in to your above quote of your OP, swingmealongLord? You are talking about a person's personal relationship with God, which is to be with Jesus, because Jesus, who was God in the flesh (manifested) and is who we relate to from His being on Earth.
So, I can only assume that the below verses from Hebrews speak illogically to you, too, especially the bold-faced verse.
Hebrews 11: 1-3
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2This is what the ancients were commended for.
3By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
So, by faith, this is how one believes in God, believes in the universe created by Him, believes in Abraham really having been 'the father of all nations,' believes that Enoch really never died but was 'transfered' taken to heaven without experiencing death......