6) Watch for a doctrine that teaches that if you don’t observe the Sabbath, you are taking on the Mark of the Beast. No, seriously. I know of at least one “Law Keeper” who has written this doctrine to someone who indicated an interest in learning more about observing Old Testament Feasts and about the concept of being Torah observant. This comes from early Seventh Day Adventist doctrine, and has influenced other Law keeping sects, as well. As you’ll see in future posts, there are streams of thought from many different sources in the HRM, including the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Church of God (of which there are numerous strains), The Way International, The World Wide Church of God (Armstrongism), British Israelism, Judaism, Jewish sages and their writings, and Kabbalah.
8) Some Law Keepers consider themselves to be actual Israel, part of the “Lost Ten Tribes”, which they also refer to as the “Diaspora”, and label themselves “Ephraim”. The Diaspora, or dispersing of Israel, is a real thing, but some who keep the Law have taken a real thing and added to or blatently twisted it. Many Law Keepers believe one of two things: Either they believe that they are IN REALITY part of the Lost Tribes of Israel (Ephraim) and the Holy Spirit is “calling” them back to their “roots”, or they believe that since they are “grafted into Israel”, they actually become Israel. Some (self-proclaimed Ephraimites) have actually petitioned the Israeli government for citizenship (Aliyah). Not being able to provide appropriate documentation of their “roots”, their applications are summarily denied.
About Law Keepers – An Overview | Joyfully Growing in Grace < click
8) Some Law Keepers consider themselves to be actual Israel, part of the “Lost Ten Tribes”, which they also refer to as the “Diaspora”, and label themselves “Ephraim”. The Diaspora, or dispersing of Israel, is a real thing, but some who keep the Law have taken a real thing and added to or blatently twisted it. Many Law Keepers believe one of two things: Either they believe that they are IN REALITY part of the Lost Tribes of Israel (Ephraim) and the Holy Spirit is “calling” them back to their “roots”, or they believe that since they are “grafted into Israel”, they actually become Israel. Some (self-proclaimed Ephraimites) have actually petitioned the Israeli government for citizenship (Aliyah). Not being able to provide appropriate documentation of their “roots”, their applications are summarily denied.
About Law Keepers – An Overview | Joyfully Growing in Grace < click
2 For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law.