I tend to be the pursuer in relationships. Most guys I am interested in are EXTREMELY shy. Come on...men can appreciate being pursued. Some guys even find it more attractive. I can say I was the pursuer in most of my relationships.
If you've said something like, "I really think you are soooo funny," when he is talking to you, and, he does not get a clue TO ASK YOU OUT when you are staring at him like this:
Then, he's got a serious get-a-clue problem, or, just is tooo shy and he gonna miss the girl
BUT, if you can absolutely feel the Lord leading you to say something more after he's still clueless to your saying you think he is 'ssooo funny,' then, go for it, what are you led to say next? "I'm free Friday" might work.
But , seriously, can't a girl let a guy know that she is really interested, really, really, really interested in the guy so much so that if he just doesn't ask you out he just don't deserve to go out with you. GO find a different fish in the sea.
The man is to be the head of the family, and the leader of the home.
When I was a kid (10yrs old) I used to say "If a man doesn't have the balls to ask me out, then he wont be man enough to lead the family."
When I was a kid (10yrs old) I used to say "If a man doesn't have the balls to ask me out, then he wont be man enough to lead the family."
But, yeah, that's true, a guy who can't get a clue to ask you out when you've done everything possible for a girl to do but actually say, 'Will you go out with me, you knucklehead?' then it's time to think this guy you think is adorable looking, or, manly, or, however 'hunky' to you IS just, hmm, well is jsut NOT ready for a girl like you. God's got a better guppy out there for you. Go fish in a different pond. The Lord leads.
He will catch you a fish, if it's His will. In fact, He will catch you enough , in different outings, of course , to feed 5000 people.
artyiste ?
What on earth?
What on earth?
Yes, I know, it sounds strangely (or, not so strangely) similar to artyiste's thread but I found his thread strangely vague, pun intended, or, unstrangely, maybe, idk.
But, "the first move" is vague to me, I think, a girl CAN make the first move to asking a guy out, but, that move does NOT include actually asking the guy out. Do everything in your power, which is His (God's) power in you, to get that guy to see the spirit of the Lord in you and to see you are really taking a liking to the fellow, with creative words. But, just don't use sexy words is my best advice and do hint that you like him by saying something that willl appeal to his afraidness (is that a word?) to ask you out