Yo! God bless ya, brother. Keep making people smile who see you, shine the light of Jesus on them, which only comes from your heart that has Him in it.
Laboring at the door
A guy who's working in the 'field,' for God's glory,
plowing away, day after day, joyously.
Knowing the time is tough sometimes,
but the fuel from the Lord is His fire.
That makes him go and go and go, overtime,
seeing the work from Him inspires him to help others.
He's doing so many things behind the scenes,
that he doesn't even know, he's changing others' dreams
to ones of His and things. As he prays and prays, and, goes
and goes about his day, in a most unusually sacrificial way, He
knows the things this worker does are altering others' eternal way.
Hoooray ! He's making Jesus His every day more, and ,more,
changing Himself for His better and better in store.
Knocking, knocking. Someone's coming.
It's opened. Enter My gates, you worker of one, you
laborer, blessed child, enter through for forever fun.