Could, in certain situations, singleness not be a curse, but a blessing ?
I've experienced " dating " and the last time I dated was several years ago,
and all I reaped was tears and a broken heart
( yes, amazing ! Men have feelings too and they can even cry sometimes ! ).
Needless to say that I hate to death that concept of " dating " ! " dating " is great, isn't it ?
There's no structure, no clear boundaries,
everybody is their own God,
and the word " friend " can have a double meaning in the world of " dating ":
A- you are her lover
B- you have been " friendzoned "
So how can you tell the difference if there's no difference ?
Doesn't make any sense !
Unless a miracle happens and proves me otherwise about my current perception of " dating "
( in which I completely doubt ),
I'll stick with my scriptural ideal of courting in the future,
or I would be celibate for life just like my buddy the apostle Paul did !
( I seriously doubt I would be able to be celibate for life though, as I'm a woman's beauty lover