honest question for people, please don't hate me

  • Thread starter KittenofMelchisedek
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Ok so this is one that can get feathers in a bunch, so let me start by saying that my objective for this thread is to gain insight and understanding that might help me honor God more, and maybe make me a better wife and mother some day. I also have not had a lot of exposure to Christian families and was not raised in one. Anyway, I didn't want you guys to think that I'm bringing this up out of sinful nature. I just want to see if anybody agrees with me, or if I'm wrong maybe get some help and verses to get me on track. OK So I was wondering a couple of things actually.

First, I think that before we are married, we should not even kiss intimately. People say this is legalistic, and I'm not trying to judge anyone or say you are in any way wrong for whatever you may have done during your engagement. My thinking is before we are joined as one flesh, we are brother and sister, and should treat each other as such. Do you guys agree or have thoughts?

Also, do you guys think a man is really the head of the marriage? Or do you take a less literal stance? I'm not saying I want to be barefoot silent in the kitchen, I want to be loved, heard, and partnered with. I also want to feel like a husband will keep me in line a little bit. Keep me on track spiritually, with whatever little reminders were needed, not saying I want a man who's gonna be mean or hurt me, the contrary, but is it appropriate even to expect men to think this behavior is allowed or is it just not anymore? I'm just wondering opinions. I have found it a blessing to submit at appropriate times to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I'm always rewarded for it. I think the concept gets a bad rep.


Majestic Llamacorn
Sep 17, 2013
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.


Majestic Llamacorn
Sep 17, 2013
That would be Ephesians chapter 5


I've heard of many couples who haven't kissed until their wedding day when they are pronounced "husband and wife". Many other cultures and religions practice this too. Hasidic Jews don't even touch each other until they are married. Personally I sometimes think it's better that way, especially if the individuals know that they couldn't control themselves physically. However, if you find a man who thinks the same way then you're looking at a VERY short dating relationship and even shorter engagement, because when you find that person it'll be near impossible to keep your hands (and lips) to yourself for very long.

If that is your desire and that is how God wants you to behave then power to you both! For myself I think kissing is fine before you are married but full on make out sessions are playing with fire.

The man should be the head of the household. That's how I'd want it. However if you are talking spiritually then you don't always get that when you do marry. I know of some women who had to take on the leadership role spiritually because their husbands were not at that place with God yet. That doesn't mean the roles won't be reversed someday. Realistically there are times when you will need to lead your husband and he in turn will lead you. How can that be wrong as long as it's always in God's direction?


First, I think that before we are married, we should not even kiss intimately. People say this is legalistic, and I'm not trying to judge anyone or say you are in any way wrong for whatever you may have done during your engagement. My thinking is before we are joined as one flesh, we are brother and sister, and should treat each other as such. Do you guys agree or have thoughts?
Well, since we are not brothers and sister Before we're saved, that doesn't apply. It is a secular based religious idea that all the world are Gods children. That's just not true, nor in the bible. Once we are saved, then we are brothers and sisters. But there is a catch. We are adopted. So the brothers and sisters is conceptual, not literal. The same as a man and a woman, each with children, come together in marriage. In reality, though the children are labeled 'brothers and sisters' there is actually no reason they couldn't come together. Granted, its weird, but not wrong really.


Any physical interaction before marriage that arose any sexual feelings/desires, is a sin. So if kissing before marriage arose a sexual desire/feeling, then it's a sin.


Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Totally agree! I want to honor my future wife all the days of my life. Something lie a kiss is so special. I have never kissed anyone because I want to save that kiss for my princess on our wedding day. A kiss is so special and should be saved and yes it could lead to sin if boundaries aren't established in a relationship.

I do agree with the husband being the head of the marriage (see below):
[h=3]1 Corinthians 11:3[/h]New International Version (NIV)

[SUP]3 [/SUP]But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man,[SUP][a][/SUP] and the head of Christ is God.

It is not to say that a woman does not have a say. I believe they have say but in the final analysis the head of a marriage is Christ and the husband should be that leader in the marriage as stated in the word.


First, I think that before we are married, we should not even kiss intimately. People say this is legalistic, and I'm not trying to judge anyone or say you are in any way wrong for whatever you may have done during your engagement. My thinking is before we are joined as one flesh, we are brother and sister, and should treat each other as such. Do you guys agree or have thoughts?
I suppose it depends on the couple, and it depends on the situation. This is probably something that each couple would have to define early in the relationship.

I personally think that the more physical people get with one another before marriage, the harder it is for them to resist the temptation of sleeping together before marriage.

Maybe what is more important than what the boundaries are is that there are physical boundaries, and that they are clearly defined, and that both people agree with them.

So, if you'd like to not kiss before marriage, then you need to lay that out early, you need to agree, and you need to decide what the boundary will be. For example, will you allow holding hands? Touching the other person's arm? Rubbing their head? Running fingers through their hair? Or will you draw the line at no physical touching?

I know people who say there should be no physical touching whatsoever.

I also know people who are okay with holding hands, and some touching -- rubbing the other's arm, running fingers through the other person's hair, massaging the other person's head or face, etc. They do this because physical touching is important to them because it helps feel like the other person appreciates them.

I can respect all these views. Personally, I think it would neat to not kiss someone until marriage, but I'm not going to force that view on a guy. I'm not going to make it a dating requirement. I'll let him lead in this area, as long as I feel comfortable with the boundaries he suggests. I do have personal boundaries that I will NOT let someone take me beyond. So, it is important that we also have our own boundaries that are clear.

I think people make their own boundaries legalistic when they force their views on other people, and their view goes beyond what is spelled out in Scripture. Using kissing as an example, it becomes legalistic when a person judges everyone else by that standard. The Bible doesn't say anything about kissing.

Also, do you guys think a man is really the head of the marriage? Or do you take a less literal stance? I'm not saying I want to be barefoot silent in the kitchen, I want to be loved, heard, and partnered with. I also want to feel like a husband will keep me in line a little bit. Keep me on track spiritually, with whatever little reminders were needed, not saying I want a man who's gonna be mean or hurt me, the contrary, but is it appropriate even to expect men to think this behavior is allowed or is it just not anymore? I'm just wondering opinions. I have found it a blessing to submit at appropriate times to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I'm always rewarded for it. I think the concept gets a bad rep.
Again....it depends....it depends on what people's understanding of "being the head" is.

If the man is not treat his wife with biblical love, and he beats her. She certainly is not obligated to submit to the beating. For her to submit to that beating endangers her life, and it would not be healthy for her to submit to this. I'm including the idea that the husband has the "right" to discipline his wife in this category. "Disciplining" your spouse is nothing short of abuse.

I also would hope that a man would want to discuss things with his wife and hear and consider her opinion rather than making all the decisions himself. I think he should see his wife as an equal, and that he should treat her as such.

Now, if the husband does treat her with biblical love and equality, then she will likely submit to his decision after the discussion. This is how I think the man being the head works.


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2011
Ok so this is one that can get feathers in a bunch, so let me start by saying that my objective for this thread is to gain insight and understanding that might help me honor God more, and maybe make me a better wife and mother some day. I also have not had a lot of exposure to Christian families and was not raised in one. Anyway, I didn't want you guys to think that I'm bringing this up out of sinful nature. I just want to see if anybody agrees with me, or if I'm wrong maybe get some help and verses to get me on track. OK So I was wondering a couple of things actually.

First, I think that before we are married, we should not even kiss intimately. People say this is legalistic, and I'm not trying to judge anyone or say you are in any way wrong for whatever you may have done during your engagement. My thinking is before we are joined as one flesh, we are brother and sister, and should treat each other as such. Do you guys agree or have thoughts?

Also, do you guys think a man is really the head of the marriage? Or do you take a less literal stance? I'm not saying I want to be barefoot silent in the kitchen, I want to be loved, heard, and partnered with. I also want to feel like a husband will keep me in line a little bit. Keep me on track spiritually, with whatever little reminders were needed, not saying I want a man who's gonna be mean or hurt me, the contrary, but is it appropriate even to expect men to think this behavior is allowed or is it just not anymore? I'm just wondering opinions. I have found it a blessing to submit at appropriate times to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I'm always rewarded for it. I think the concept gets a bad rep.
I think not kissing until marriage is a great idea. As a Christian man concerned with being pure, I would not have objected to this when I was dating. At the same time though, I don't condemn people who do decide to kiss, although if the relationship is likely to continue for a long time before marriage, it gets more and more dangerous that you'll slip. I think anything beyond kissing is too far and should be reserved for married couples.

The man should be the head of the marriage. It says it in the Bible, so it is true. A woman should be looking for certain traits in a man that show he will be a good spiritual leader; not manipulative or abusive. Some women have a problem with the word "submit", but if a woman can't trust a man to be a good family leader, why would she marry him? Marrying someone you don't fully trust? That's ridiculous. At the same time, she should be looking for a man who shows he values what the Bible says, including about loving his wife.


I'm including the idea that the husband has the "right" to discipline his wife in this category. "Disciplining" your spouse is nothing short of abuse.
Does everyone agree here? Up until a couple generations ago it would be considered normal. Not saying that things don't change for no reason, or that I condone violence. In fact I think loving discipline and violence should have nothing to do with each other, otherwise we couldn't raise children without abusing them. I would appreciate guidance and correction from a future husband, but is it unscriptural to expect that of a man? My problem is that I think the spirit of feminism has corrupted American family life to the point where I wanna be really intentional from the introduction of a relationship through to the end, that it is done according to scripture and no other authority. So I'm playing with what that would look like in my head. Everyone is different. I'm glad to hear people are sticking with the exhortations in Ephesians. I think that's the first bit of scripture to get thrown out the window in my family.


Does everyone agree here? Up until a couple generations ago it would be considered normal. Not saying that things don't change for no reason, or that I condone violence. In fact I think loving discipline and violence should have nothing to do with each other, otherwise we couldn't raise children without abusing them. I would appreciate guidance and correction from a future husband, but is it unscriptural to expect that of a man? My problem is that I think the spirit of feminism has corrupted American family life to the point where I wanna be really intentional from the introduction of a relationship through to the end, that it is done according to scripture and no other authority. So I'm playing with what that would look like in my head. Everyone is different. I'm glad to hear people are sticking with the exhortations in Ephesians. I think that's the first bit of scripture to get thrown out the window in my family.
I should explain that I am not against disciplining children.

However, I do not think that the husband has a right to "discipline" his wife, especially if the discipline is physical or emotional in nature -- I guess, if he views it in terms of punishment. I am aware there are other definitions of discipline, but punishment is probably the most used definition.

I was talking to a guy from a dating site quite a while ago, and he had a certain view of how marriage and relationships should go that I did not agree with. He said that husband had the right to discipline their wives. I asked him to define what he meant. He basically said that he could "discipline" her whenever she did something he didn't like or didn't do something well enough.

For example, if she cleaned the floor, and he didn't think she did a good enough job, he felt he had the right to discipline her in this area. I asked him if the discipline would be of a physical nature. He said yes -- that was part of disciplining his wife.

He also believed that it was the woman's fault if the man had an affair because she didn't dress provocatively enough for him, and thus didn't keep his interest. He seriously expected his wife to stay home all day, do all the domestic chores....then before he came home, he wanted her to put on really revealing clothing and high heels...and basically look like a slut for him. She was to dress like this whenever he was home.

He was big on the whole headship thing. I asked him if his wife would need to ask his permission to do anything. His answer was yes. He had to approve of her friends and when she could see them, etc. If she did "wrong" he could punish her by not letting her go out with her friends or do the things that she wanted to do.

This man identified himself as Christian.

I specifically asked him about Ephesians 5, specifically the parts that tell the husband to love his wife. He had some twisted view of that passage that he got from his pastor. Something about the verses that say he had to love his wife had nothing to do with the rest of the passage.

Needless to say, I ceased communication with him.

This man might sound extreme in his views. The unfortunate thing is that this guy's views are not that different from the general views in some Christian circles.

I think if a man views the marital relationship as one where he has the right to discipline his wife that it could be a major sign that the guy could be abusive. It should be a red flag. That doesn't necessarily mean that he will be abusive....but please don't dismiss this. Abuse isn't always physical, and it doesn't always appear right at the beginning of a relationship. Usually it is so subtle that the woman doesn't pick up on it. With the power to punish his wife, there is a lot of temptation for him to abuse that power.

Women who think that the husband has a right to punish them fall into destructive relationships often.

I am convinced that the marital relationship shouldn't be like this.

Also, if the husband has a right to discipline her, then she really isn't on the same footing as him. She's sort of like a child in his eyes. Why would he treat her as an adult or truly respect her?

Now....other kinds of discipline -- such as encouragement and holding someone accountable, I think this should go both ways. It shouldn't be the husband's right only, and it should be done in respect. Otherwise, he can still be critical of her without her having the ability to respond. It makes it so that his opinion is more important than hers. I don't like that, and I don't think that it makes for a healthy relationship.

Please understand that I'm not saying that a wife should be rebellious to her husband, or that she can do whatever she wants without talking to him, or that she shouldn't respect his headship. I just think that he should treat her as an equal. The prerequisite for a wife to obey her husband is that he actually is loving her.

Many, many Christian men take Ephesians 5 out of context so that all that matters is that the wife is obedient to the husband.

If your husband being able to discipline you is important, make sure that you really get to know him and his views about women and about marriage, and how it should work. He can lie, and he can try to trick you....but hopefully you can see through these things. I warning you because there are a lot of nasty people out there (even with the Christian label) who are not what they appear to be. There are probably guys out there who are looking for women that they can manipulate, so be aware of that.

If you want your husband to discipline you, make sure you have a clearly defined definition of how you are defining it. What would be over the line?

It's unfortunate that we have to consider these questions, but we do :(

I've had several friends get caught up in abusive relationships, and I don't want it to happen to you.


Yeah I had a creepy guy on the internet that sounded exactly like the one you described. I think he said it was a club he was in or something Christian domestic discipline. Some club. I'm going to just pretend that these people don't procreate because their poor messed up kids! Ok, pretending, anyway. I feel like these extremest people are taking some of the dignity from submission and adding creepiness to a natural order of things. Its a very personal issue. I hope there are still some natural leaders who haven't gone all the way to creepy. There must be.


Yeah I had a creepy guy on the internet that sounded exactly like the one you described. I think he said it was a club he was in or something Christian domestic discipline. Some club. I'm going to just pretend that these people don't procreate because their poor messed up kids! Ok, pretending, anyway. I feel like these extremest people are taking some of the dignity from submission and adding creepiness to a natural order of things. Its a very personal issue. I hope there are still some natural leaders who haven't gone all the way to creepy. There must be.
I'm sure there are some....

But again, if a husband thinks he has the right to discipline his wife.....I'm not sure that is even a biblical concept. I think it might be just something that people have read into headship and submission. I think people are taking things too far.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
Ok so this is one that can get feathers in a bunch, so let me start by saying that my objective for this thread is to gain insight and understanding that might help me honor God more, and maybe make me a better wife and mother some day. I also have not had a lot of exposure to Christian families and was not raised in one. Anyway, I didn't want you guys to think that I'm bringing this up out of sinful nature. I just want to see if anybody agrees with me, or if I'm wrong maybe get some help and verses to get me on track. OK So I was wondering a couple of things actually.

First, I think that before we are married, we should not even kiss intimately. People say this is legalistic, and I'm not trying to judge anyone or say you are in any way wrong for whatever you may have done during your engagement. My thinking is before we are joined as one flesh, we are brother and sister, and should treat each other as such. Do you guys agree or have thoughts?

KOM, it is a good thing that you both decided to not kiss until you were married. That is an honourable thing to do. Especially in these days. Plus I also believe that it is Biblical. Since Paul said that it is not good for a man to touch a woman (1 Cor. 7:1).

And yes as Christians, we are to entreat each other as brothers and sisters, and our elders as mothers and fathers with all purity (1 Timothy 5:1-2).

Also, do you guys think a man is really the head of the marriage? Or do you take a less literal stance? I'm not saying I want to be barefoot silent in the kitchen, I want to be loved, heard, and partnered with. I also want to feel like a husband will keep me in line a little bit. Keep me on track spiritually, with whatever little reminders were needed, not saying I want a man who's gonna be mean or hurt me, the contrary, but is it appropriate even to expect men to think this behavior is allowed or is it just not anymore? I'm just wondering opinions. I have found it a blessing to submit at appropriate times to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I'm always rewarded for it. I think the concept gets a bad rep.

Also KOM, the man is to be the head of his wife, as Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, which is His Body (Eph. 5:22-33).

So you are to reverence your husband and submit to him. The Biblical commands for order in a marriage is still in effect for today. And if you want to have a godly marriage, then you want and need to obey the word of God. You want to submit to your husband and love and reverence him. Now of course this does not mean that you cannot ever disagree with him or that you can never state your mind and express how you feel about certain things with him. But when you do, you need to do it in a spirit of love and humility. And so does he with you.
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Senior Member
May 7, 2010
First, I think that before we are married, we should not even kiss intimately. People say this is legalistic, and I'm not trying to judge anyone or say you are in any way wrong for whatever you may have done during your engagement. My thinking is before we are joined as one flesh, we are brother and sister, and should treat each other as such. Do you guys agree or have thoughts?
It's kind of hard to have a romantic interest in someone when I treat them as though they were born from the same parents as me, you know? ;)

I understand the brother/sister metaphor. As someone else in the thread said, you shouldn't do anything that would cause lust in you. Or them, I might add. That's different for each person. Some people are turned on by the simple act of holding hands. Some can kiss their partner without lusting. Dating is one of those things were I prefer to act by principle, not by rule. My principle is to, of course, grow with the person and see if they would make a good wife, while acting in purity.

The modern church is by and large quiet on the topic of dating. So it makes sense we are all going to have different opinions. I think ultimately it comes down to comfort level in doing non-lustful things. If you're not comfortable kissing before marriage, then follow that conviction. Some may look down on you; others will admire your self-discipline.

Also, do you guys think a man is really the head of the marriage? Or do you take a less literal stance? I'm not saying I want to be barefoot silent in the kitchen, I want to be loved, heard, and partnered with. I also want to feel like a husband will keep me in line a little bit. Keep me on track spiritually, with whatever little reminders were needed, not saying I want a man who's gonna be mean or hurt me, the contrary, but is it appropriate even to expect men to think this behavior is allowed or is it just not anymore? I'm just wondering opinions. I have found it a blessing to submit at appropriate times to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and I'm always rewarded for it. I think the concept gets a bad rep.
This is something I haven't done deep research on, but here's my two cents. As I understand it, the man is the head of the marriage spiritually and administratively. In the spiritual sense, the man is the one who leads the family to walk closer with God. Families where the father attends church are much more likely to attend church than families where the father doesn't. The religious status of the man will affect the rest of the family.

Administratively, the man does have the final decision in matters. Of course he can also let the lady decide if it's not a big issue.

In the Bible, wives are told to submit to their husbands. This doesn't mean grovel at his feet. You've been given a personality and talents by God. There's no reason for you to give those up just because you're with someone. What's often ignored is the passage that starts as Ephesians 5:25. Husbands (or boyfriends, as the case may be) are told to love their wives like Christ loved the church. That is an incredible model to follow. Although Jesus led the disciples and now leads the church, he gave us an example of humility and servitude. He esteemed the needs of the church higher than his own needs. What does this say for the husband? The husband is to attend to the needs of his wife before his own. He's also told to build her up and love her like he loves his own body. That clearly rules out abuse, disrespect, and other things that would hurt her.


I believe it only becomes legalistic if you point fingers and say to everyone else they must do the same :)


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2012
Part of the call God has on my life is the call to Radial Purity. For me, it is defined, in part, as no touching before marriage...no hand holding, no hugging, no kissing...and never being alone until the wedding night. Extreme, yes, but that is why it's called 'radical purity' and not just purity. :)

Along these lines, God has also shown me that I have to be sensitive to the level of purity others pursue. The basic level, the foundation if you will, is no sex outside of marriage. Purity builds from there. There are many levels and areas of purity, too. It is not merely sexual and it is not merely when dating. We are called to purity at every stage and in every state of life. :)

And, yes, I firmly believe the man is to be the head of the household. Men of God, true men of God, are strong men, but not bullies or abusive or cruel or controlling. It is about being meek, which translates to power under control. Be like Christ, that is the call to all who desire to follow Him. :)


I applaud anyone who can live a life of radical purity. I have a friend who is in his 30's and has been radically pure and single for his whole adult life. So I know that it can be done and that it's something others hold to. I think of it kind of like going to a bar. I'm not an alcoholic, and I don't have a personal conviction to never have alcohol (but no drunkenness obviously), and I don't feel a need to mingle with the heathen there...I can go with my mom or a sister and just have one drink. Others, would sooner die, or they would want to get wasted, you know? I know that I can be alone with a man and not have sex with him. I ride elevators occasionally with men who aren't even brethren, and yet no intercourse happens. I also think, that if you can make out with someone without lust, that person probably isn't the one for you or you must not like kissing.
Anyway, thank you to everyone who responded. I got a lot out of this thread. =)


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2011
All I will say on this is that submission literally means under the same mission. You and your husband should be working together the reach the same goal and there is always a leader and a follower, it does not make someone weak to submit and it does not mean you have no say or opinion.


Man and wife don't stop being brother and sister in Christ when they're married. It's a spiritual intimacy in Christ, not a physical one. I don't think it's wrong to kiss before marriage but I do think people need to be discerning, know what the Bible says, set up boundaries beforehand and not cross them.