You do recognize Jesus, Yeshua, is a Jew, good. As for being under what you call Mosaic law, no, He gave those laws to Moses to write down for the Children of Israel.
He reliquished being totally God while He walked the earth for to do what other flesh could not. When it "was finished," He was resurrected. After a time, forty days, He was transformed and ascended to the Father where is His origine with no beginning and no end.
You see Jesus was and is God. He is the Father. He is the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 9). He was not under any law, not if He completed it, and He completed the law adding grace for all who understand and want to obey Him out of love.
He did not abolish the good and moral laws, though He specified that we should love one another. No, He was never uinder the Law, He took it, and fulfilled it.
Perhaps, following His perfect example, you will learn from the Law and know that they are filled with instruction, wisdom, love and the Salvation that is Yeshua, Jesus. No, you will not be perfect in being obedient, which is sad, but He was perfect for you. Please, take the warm and fuzzy out of the teachings, and worship God in spirit and truth. It is worth it. Praise God, amen..
You do recognize Jesus, Yeshua, is a Jew, good. As for being under what you call Mosaic law, no, He gave those laws to Moses to write down for the Children of Israel.
He reliquished being totally God while He walked the earth for to do what other flesh could not. When it "was finished," He was resurrected. After a time, forty days, He was transformed and ascended to the Father where is His origine with no beginning and no end.
You see Jesus was and is God. He is the Father. He is the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 9). He was not under any law, not if He completed it, and He completed the law adding grace for all who understand and want to obey Him out of love.
He did not abolish the good and moral laws, though He specified that we should love one another. No, He was never uinder the Law, He took it, and fulfilled it.
Perhaps, following His perfect example, you will learn from the Law and know that they are filled with instruction, wisdom, love and the Salvation that is Yeshua, Jesus. No, you will not be perfect in being obedient, which is sad, but He was perfect for you. Please, take the warm and fuzzy out of the teachings, and worship God in spirit and truth. It is worth it. Praise God, amen..
You are forgetting that Jesus as a jew was under the Mosaic law up until his death and resurrection. After that He was not obligated to observe sabbath. So of course He would go to sabbath.
The sabbath was given to the jews and it was never given to gentiles.
The sabbath was given to the jews and it was never given to gentiles.