My point is that all you guys putting down God for giving a law to us are distorting God. God gives instructions on living to achieve the most perfect world as God wanted it for us because He loves us. It is a law of love. Paul said that Christ replaced the law of Moses, and people have misread that. Paul took the Nazarene vow when people accused him of even teaching against the rituals meant to express the true law, saying that is not what he meant. Christ taught that it is the spirit of the law that is important, so people say God doesn't want us to have the spirit of the law develop into anything we do. How can we have a spirit and refuse to express it?
Please show where Christ used the phrase "spirit of the law," or where it is even found in the NT.
Likewise, please show where the phrase, "letter of the law" is found in the NT.
The letter
is the law, they are not separate,
and the spirit is the
Holy Spirit, not my spirit or heart attitude.
Now reconsider your understanding of what these mean.
As an example take what I do, for instance. I am kosher.
Paul says that my being kosher is an example of my not being spiritually grown, and I admit that. Paul didn't need to eat in a certain way to be spiritually kosher, he was so advanced spiritually that he could stay away from what is unclean. I need. . .kosher eating. . .to enforce my spiritual kosher.
Paul would not have denied me this.
No, but he would have called it the weak conscience (1Co 8:7, 9-11, 10:28-29)
of a weak brother (1Co 8:11), allowed it, and
exhorted you to mature in the faith,
to go from milk to solid food, as we find in Heb 5:11-6:1.
That's assuming the issue
is the weak conscience of a weak brother,
not the will worship (Col 2:22-23) of one who prefers the old order over
God's prescribed new order (
Heb 9:10), begging off as a weak conscience,
which then is disobedience to God's prescribed NT order.